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Buried By Media: African President REJECTS Trudeau’s Homosexuality Pitch 

Image result for Trudeau lewd gay pride

CTV correspondent Glen McGregor tweeted a photo of Le Soleil’s headline trumpeting Sall’s rebuke to Trudeau: “Our society does not accept homosexuality.”

The president of Senegal has rebuffed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attempts to discuss decriminalizing homosexuality and promoting “gay pride” parades in the predominately Muslim West African country.

And President Macky Sall’s defense of his country’s culture and laws made front-page news in the Francophone country’s capital city of Dakar.

CTV correspondent Glen McGregor tweeted a photo of Le Soleil’s headline trumpeting Sall’s rebuke to Trudeau: “Our society does not accept homosexuality.”

There you have it–simple and straight-forward. That is, until Canadian mainstream get hold of the story, and twist it into an unintelligible pile of nothingness.

Yet beyond these immediate situation, as most significant question must be posited:

Someone–anyone–please inform CAP why Justin Trudeau is obsessed with homosexuality? What is it about “gayness” which makes Trudeau run around the planet attempting to trans- form fundamentalist theocracies into Gay Pride promoting nations?

The first obvious response is…perhaps he one himself. Beyond this,  CAP turn to an alternate theory: Justin Trudeau works for billionaire media mogul and Open Border Foundation CEO, banker George Soros.

Time after time CAP have recognized an affinity between the political agenda of Mr. Soros, and that of Justin Trudeau. In fact, our current PM mirrors the “Soros Agenda” in totality.

Open Borders? Justin tweets for illegal refugees to pour into Canada. International Banking? Trudeau creates the largest deficits(interest-paying) in Canadian history.

Coincidence? Not on CAP’s life. Justin Trudeau has an agenda up his sleeve, and he will never stop playing it for as long as he remains the leader of Canada.

“Canada’s Liberal prime minister told reporters at a Wednesday press conference that he had to raise the subject of Senegal’s criminalization of homosexuality with Sall because he was a “great defender of human rights,” according to Associated Press.”

What a liar Trudeau is. He is not a “great defender of human rights”– he is a great supporter of selective human rights.

How can Justin make this statement when at the very same time he was in Africa tens of thousands were protesting against mass persecution of Christians in Africa?

Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and dozens more African nations which Trudeau is presently brown-nosing  are murdering Christians on a mass scale--so much so that former President Barak Obama labeled the debacle as an “act of genocide.” Trudeau has done no such thing.

Either Mr. Trudeau is blind, ignorant, or a complete hypocrite. CAP will go with all three.

From day one in office Justin Trudeau has been both Islam’s boy-in-office, and the LGBT industry’s international “poster-boy.” For some reason, homosexuality and Islam are the Canadian prime ministers top priorities. Add world wide “abortion-pushing” to the mix.

How many tx payer dollars has Trudeau shipped off to Africa for the purpose of aborting babies(illegal in Nigeria and others) and promoting effeminate masculine behaviour?

CAP try not to exaggerate these numbers. We go with conservative estimates. Try $10 Billion Dollars to begin within–and go up from there.

More @ Source: Buried By Media: African President REJECTS Trudeau’s Homosexuality Pitch | Cultural Action Party of Canada