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Burisma admits in court that it bribed Joe and Hunter Biden – DC Clothesline

(Natural News) A developing story about the case of Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma against People’s Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach has revealed that Burisma did, in fact, bribe Joe and Hunter Biden with large cash payments. The only question is how much did these two crooks receive? 

In its dismissal of the claim, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv indicated that representatives from Burisma are only refuting the amount of money the company paid to Joe and Hunter Biden. Burisma is not, it is important to note, refuting that it did, in fact, pay these two some large sum of cash, which is still to be determined.

On his Facebook page, Derkach explained that Burisma has now admitted that it bribed Joe Biden, and “[a]s expected, Burisma lost.” Derkach says that Burisma bribed Joe Biden with a $900,000 lobbying lump sum, which the company is disputing solely due to the amount.

“The court separately noted: Burisma in its statement actually does not dispute the facts of payments – only their size,” Derkach further wrote. “That is, it agrees that it paid Biden and his son, but does not agree that these are the amounts. The fight against international democraturation (sic) continues – follow the announcement.”

In addition to bribing Joe Biden and his son, Burisma also reportedly paid off Alekander Kwa?niewski, a Polish politician and journalist; Alan Apter, who sits on Burisma’s board of directors; and Devon Archer, an American businessman who also sits on Burisma’s board.

You can find more stories like this about Joe Biden corruption at Corruption.news.

Hunter Biden linked to sex trafficking ring?

The Bidens first got involved with Ukraine back in 2014 when Joe Biden was appointed by then-President Barack Obama to head up that administration’s policy toward Ukraine. Not long after, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of Burisma, where he was reportedly paid around $83,000 per month for his “services.”

Despite having no background whatsoever in either the energy sector or Eastern European affairs, Hunter Biden remained on this gravy train for five years, well into the Trump administration and long after his father was removed from the vice presidency.

Recently leaked tapes, which were shared via tweet by President Trump himself, expose Joe Biden talking to then-Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko about how he was planning to “stay involved in Ukraine” after Trump’s inauguration, which is exactly what happened.

Joe Biden was also heard conspiring with Poroshenko to jointly damage the Trump presidency, which Biden spokesman Andrew Bates actually defended when he stated that “Donald Trump is the most hostile president to American democracy in our history.”

Hunter Biden, by the way, has since been implicated for his alleged involvement in a “prostitution or human trafficking ring.” A newly released Senate report claims that Hunter Biden sent “thousands of dollars” to people involved in the sex trafficking industry, as well as “to non-resident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunted Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine.”

“The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” the Senate report further explains.

All of this explains why Joe Biden during a press conference last year lashed out at reporters for daring to even bring up the word Ukraine. An angry Joe Biden responded to these reporters that they should be focused on Donald Trump rather than himself, pointing his finger at them in condemnation.

Ironically, Joe and Hunter Biden are the ones actually mired in deep doo-doo as it pertains to their illicit ties to foreign governments, which include not just Ukraine but also Russia. Perhaps the Russian collusion narrative really was just projection all along.

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