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‘Burning Bodies In Secret’ – New Accounts From Wuhan Detail Coronavirus Outbreak |  Video


“Without properly identifying these patients, which means there are patients who died from the virus but not adding to the official record…”

Almost 2,000 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in China on Thursday, lifting the country’s total to approximately 9,692, surpassing all of the 2002-03 SARS epidemic in a matter of weeks. All of the deaths have been in China, now at 213. Globally, there are 9,816 cases of the deadly virus.

There have been doubts about the officially confirmed cases and deaths in China – could be much higher some claim.

The New Zealand Herald has published a new report that alleges Chinese authorities have resorted to cremating bodies in secret.

DW News East Asia correspondent William Yang cited a report from Chinese-language news outlet Initium, which said cremation facilities in Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly virus, were receiving bodies directly from hospitals without proper identification and were excluded from the official record.

“So, there are reasons to remain skeptical about what China has been sharing with the world because while they have been more transparent about certain things related to the virus, they continue to be sketchy and unreliable in other aspects,” said Yang.


“Without properly identifying these patients, which means there are patients who died from the virus but not adding to the official record. That shows the current death toll of 133 that we are seeing is way too low,” he said.

We noted Thursday night that over 100,000 Chinese had been placed under observation for suspected coronavirus.

The virus has uncontrollably spread across China, forcing the U.S. State Department to evacuate diplomats and citizens from certain parts of the country, but has also warned Americans not to travel to the region because of the outbreak.

The new travel advisory was issued hours after the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global health emergency. “Those currently in China should consider departing using commercial means,” the department said in the advisory.

Putting the coronavirus in the context of the deadly SARS epidemic, the coronavirus pandemic has now officially exceeded SARS in cumulative cases in just two weeks.

New accounts are showing that things have gotten so severe in Wuhan, that officials are locking people inside their own apartments.

Another video shows officials locking “infected residents” inside their homes, using metal beams to bolt doors shut.


And here’s an alleged video of a crematorium in Wuhan via Twitter handle Harry Chen Ph.D. – showing trash cans “filled with ashes.”



Source: ‘Burning Bodies In Secret’ – New Accounts From Wuhan Detail Coronavirus Outbreak | Zero Hedge