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Busted! Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Discovered – Named “Pierre Delecto” — Slammed Marco Rubio, Newt, Rudy Giuliani, and ‘Liked’ Impeachment Quote!

Earlier today leftist tool Mitt Romney was featured in a lengthy anti-Trump expose’ in The Atlantic. During the interview Mitt admitted to having a second secret Twitter account following 668 people. Via the Atlantic: “That’s kind of what he does,” Romney said with a shrug, and then got up to retrieve an iPad from his […]

Source: Busted! Mitt Romney’s Secret Twitter Account Discovered – Named “Pierre Delecto” — Slammed Marco Rubio, Newt, Rudy Giuliani, and ‘Liked’ Impeachment Quote!

“That’s kind of what he does,” Romney said with a shrug, and then got up to retrieve an iPad from his desk. He explained that he uses a secret Twitter account—“What do they call me, a lurker?”—to keep tabs on the political conversation. “I won’t give you the name of it,” he said, but “I’m following 668 people.” Swiping at his tablet, he recited some of the accounts he follows, including journalists, late-night comedians (“What’s his name, the big redhead from Boston?”), and athletes. Trump was not among them. “He tweets so much,” Romney said, comparing the president to one of his nieces who overshares on Instagram. “I love her, but it’s like, Ah, it’s too much.”

It didn’t take Slate contributor Ashley Feinberg too long to find the secret account.

“Pierre Delecto”

And… Already we have this… Pierre liked this tweet on Little Marco.

Here’s another nasty tweet he liked on Newt Gingrich.


Mitt retweeted a Bill Kristol tweet in SUPPORT OF IMPEACHMENT!
