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C-130 aircraft caught dropping massive ‘raindrop shaped fibers’ onto populace, lab tests confirm “metals”

C-130 aircraft caught dropping massive ‘raindrop shaped fibers’ onto populace, lab tests confirm “metals”


Marie Snow and her friend Cori Gunnels knew they stumbled across something sinister, one November day, this year, when they saw what appeared to be 50 to 60-foot long “raindrops”, “solid” in nature, falling from the sky in clusters, after three military aircraft, including a C-130, flew overhead, minutes prior, at an altitude of an estimated 5,000-8,000 ft.

Using critical thinking skills, Snow and Gunnels, patriots and local residents, decided to collect samples of the fibrous material which was deployed from the three military planes earlier that day, saving the samples for testing. In fact, the fibers looked so ominous that Snow even opted not to touch them with her “bare hands” and collected them on “white pieces of paper”.

Soon after, Snow, determined to know the truth, contacted her local news station,KPHO, CBS 5, inviting them to investigate her fibrous discovery.

Within days, CBS 5 took Snow up on her offer, sending reporter Greg Argos to investigate the fibrous samples she collected off of the natural terrain and nearby fence posts, also noting her eyewitness account to the 3 military aircraft which flew overhead that day. However, what happened after CBS 5 interviewed Snow may shock you.

According to Argos’ video piece, published Nov. 18, by CBS 5, samples of the unusual fibers, which are “thicker than a spider web and “very strong”, were taken to Grand Canyon University’s Forensic Science Lab for testing where a woman by the name of “Melissa Beddow” allegedly tested the samples under “40 times magnification”.

As reported in the Argos piece, Beddow stated that the fibrous samples were likely “biodegradable gauze” from “nearby cattle farms”, made up of “a mixture of wheat, gluten, flour and bacitracin, an antibiotic” in what the network touted as a “straight story”.

However, after the local news piece aired, Snow and others were skeptical of Argos’ findings. Snow was soon after urged by Al DiCicco, who appears in the documentary film “Shade the Motion Picture”, a film about covert and sinister bioweapons testing programs, to contact Intellihub News and get independent testing of the samples done by a reputable lab. And that’s just what Marie Snow did.

On Nov. 22, Snow reached out to me, [Intellihub’s Shepard Ambellas] to gather yet another opinion on how to proceed after something just didn’t feel right to Snow aboutKPHO, CBS 5′s report.

Once contacted by Snow, I, myself, recommended just what my friend Al DiCicco told her to do, “get some independent testing done”as we could than later do a “powerful article” if the results differed from KPHO, CBS 5′s findings.

And again, that’s just what Snow and Gunnels did, sending the samples to a credible lab, a testing facility located in Redding California to properly and scientifically carry out tests of several fibrous samples.

Days after, the actual results came back from the lab, and what was found may shock you.

The work orders, numbered “14K0279“, dated Dec. 4, 2014 and “14K0683“, dated Dec. 2, 2014, stated that “All analysis were performed under strict adherence to our established Quality Assurance Plan” and that “solid” “fibers” were submitted by “Marie Snow” for “general testing”.


Astonishingly, both tests concluded that both samples indeed tested positive for three metal analytes, “Aluminum”, “barium” and “strontium”, three substances commonly known by dedicated researchers to be found in persistent contrails, i.e. chemtrails and or geoengineering, terraforming operations as pointed out by investigative researcher, activist, Rosalind Peterson, Agriculture Defense Coalition, in Shade the Motion Picture.

Coupling the Redding lab’s scientific findings, with Marie Snow’s eyewitness account of the three military planes flying overhead, the fibrous material collected, and other breakthrough research noted in Shade the Motion Picture, we must now hold the mainstream news accountable for not reporting actual scientific evidence and findings pertaining to persistent contrails, chemtrails, geoengineering or the terraforming of our planetary atmosphere.

In fact scientists, likely not credible ones, Bill Gates and others are now claiming that geoengineering is needed to block solar radiation, to prevent “global warming”.

Although some like Dr. Matthew Watson, University of Bristol, say that Solar Radiation Management (SRM) could have “profoundly terrifying” consequences possibly causing extreme drought or severe rainfall, conflicting weather, in opposite regions of the globe not typical to the locality.


“Some of the techniques could also damage the ozone layer, leaving people at risk of skin cancer, or potentially trigger conflicts amid tensions between those affected by their deployment, the scientists said.”, as reported by The Telegraph in the article Six radical ways to tackle global warming. 

But maybe even more bothersome is the fact that theses biological, chemical, and in some cases radiological, tests have all been approved to be conducted on the general public, at any time, by the U.S. government or military, under a public law.

Public Law 105–85  105th Congress

PUBLIC LAW 105-85- NOV. 18, 1997: USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTSSEC. 1078. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS.(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES. – The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.(b) EXCEPTIONS.- Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.

(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.

(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.

So section (a) prohibits these cruel and inhumane chemical and biological tests on humans.

Then section (b) says that the prohibitions in section (a) do not apply to tests carried out for virtually any purpose. So section (b) completely negates the prohibitions of section (a).

And don’t be fooled — testing is currently being conducted and is harming your health as pointed out by Luca Zanna and Al DiCicco in Shade the Motion Picture when lab work, i.e. official blood tests were revealed for the first time publicly, demonstrating that the very metals, “analyites” found in these chemtrail “raindrop” like fibers are also in the human bloodstream at alarmingly toxic levels.

Ladies and gentlemen we are being exterminated ever so slowly. Our eventual deaths brought on by the bi-product of geoengineering applications, now being sold to the American people as necessary. And yes, the U.S. government is aware of it and has prepared quite the secret budget, unseen to most, kept under the radar of the American people.

The secretive budget, that President Obama and other members of his administration don’t want you to know about, was first uncovered by myself [Shepard Ambellas] and Avalon, Intellihub.com, in March of 2011, published in an article titled “Exposed: Secret presidential chemtrail budget uncovered — Congress exceeds billions to spray populace like roaches” which garnered worldwide attention.

Focusing on exposing geoengineering, chemtrail, applications, the article called out theU.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), which is composed of 13 federal member agencies, with FY budgets into the billions of dollars.

The USGCRP, working hand-and-hand with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), the U.S. government, and other governments of the world are conducting sinister and experimental research on mother earth and all of its living inhabitants including humans, plants, animals and sea life.

Moreover, massive money-making schemes may also be partly to blame for modern weather manipulation, geoengineering, and terraforming operations as weather derivatives can now be traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

In fact the CME Group’s official website confirms the market for such operations, reading, “From heat waves to arctic cold outbreaks, weather often has a significant impact on business – accounting for $5.3 billion of the $16 trillion US GDP. CMEGroup’s temperature-based index futures and options provide the tools to help you manage weather-related risk.” All big business and opportunity for the wealthy, despite being downplayed by publications such as Fortune.

Snow’s personal encounter is described by her in the following memo sent to IntellihubNews:

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