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Canada: Muslim organization unveils 61 recommendations for government to fight ‘Islamophobia’

Canada: Muslim organization unveils 61 recommendations for government to fight ‘Islamophobia’

The term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: crimes against innocent Muslims, as in the case of Nathaniel Veltman, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. Islamic advocacy groups and their leftist allies have been insisting for years that such analysis, too, constituted “Islamophobia.” The talk in the article below is all about violence against innocent Muslims, which is never justified, but the NCCM’s recommendations to fight supposedly rampant “Islamophobia” in Canada are likely directed ultimately toward stifling all criticism of Islam and exploration of the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism. The clearest evidence for this is the fact that the NCCM has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America are dedicated, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.”

“Canadian Muslim group issues 61 recommendations ahead of national Islamophobia summit,” by Sidhartha Banerjee, Canadian Press, July 19, 2021:

A national strategy to fight anti-Muslim hate across society is one of 61 recommendations released Monday by the National Council of Canadian Muslims ahead of a summit on Islamophobia to be held later this week….

Mustafa Farooq, chief executive officer of the NCCM, told reporters in southwestern Ontario the recommendations target every level of government and were compiled following consultations with members of the Muslim community across the country.

“We need to see action and we need to see it now,” Farooq said. “Governments attending the summit must know that we want more than their attendance, we want to see their commitment to timelines.”

More than half of the recommendations are directed toward the federal government and include the creation of a strategy to fight Islamophobia within the civil service and the wider Canadian society. The group suggested Ottawa create a special envoy to deal with Islamophobia and to investigate alleged profiling within the Canada Revenue Agency and national security agencies, Farooq said.

Other recommendations consist of amending the Criminal Code to include specific penalties and dedicated prosecutors for hate crimes involving assault, threats, mischief and murder. The group also wants the government to no longer require the attorney general’s consent before hate-based and genocide cases are prosecuted.

For provinces, the recommendations include teaching about Islamophobia in schools, an accountability system for police hate-crimes units and the prohibition of white supremacist rallies.

In Quebec City, the announcement took place outside the Islamic Cultural Centre, the site of a deadly shooting in January 2017 that left six men dead and others seriously injured. “The reality is Canada has suffered more mass killings in the past five years than any other country in the G7,” Farooq said. “This cannot be allowed to continue.”…

Of the 61 recommendations, Al-Azem highlighted one calling on the attorney general to intervene in all challenges to Quebec’s secularism law, known as Bill 21. The law, adopted in June 2019, prohibits public sector workers who are deemed to be in positions of authority, including teachers, police officers and judges, from wearing religious symbols at work. It makes pre-emptive use of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ notwithstanding clause, which shields legislation from court challenges over violations of fundamental rights….