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Canada Threatens to Revoke “Travel “Privileges – | “…looking for more ways to take away your passport(s) and freedom.” | VIDEO

 Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, threatened Canadians with a potential loss of travel privileges. Can you imagine? People may even not get a passport if they participated in the protest.

This news is another example that governments will be looking for more ways to take away your passport(s) and freedom. You need to be prepared for the worst and have multiple options.

In this video, Andrew shares all the details of how Canada threatens to revoke travel privileges and how that can affect you.

Remember: The right to travel is inalienable


3 Replies to “Canada Threatens to Revoke “Travel “Privileges – | “…looking for more ways to take away your passport(s) and freedom.” | VIDEO

  1. Steve Wilson

    My wife and I watched the Ottawa protest on YouTube via live independent videographers. We wanted to see if what the media was saying about violence was true. Being retired, we watched it for hours each day for the better part of the 3 weeks. My son even attended one weekend. What I can say with 100%accuracy is that the protest was the most peaceful one I’ve ever seen. The story the media, our Prime Minister and Jagmeet Singh told was absolutely blatant and disgraceful lies. I have lost respect completely for all of them. They are disgusting and not deserving of the privelidge to serve this country.

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