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CANADA – WATCH | Understanding UN Agenda 21 / 2030 in 2 Minutes | VIDEO

Go to: https://ffcs.info/undrip to get the Letter you can send your MP. We only have a few weeks to act, or less. These are the Agenda’s that Brian Mulroney – Agenda 21, Stephen Harper – 21 and 2030, and the Cons Signed Canada onto in 1992, 2008, and 2015.

Trudeau is simply implementing these.

They are both UN Globalist parties and completely different from the Canada focused People’s Party of Canada.

Don’t vote Conservative thinking to stop the insanity because they are two wings of the same UN takeover bird.

My Uncensored Videos: https://odysee.com/@RonVaillant:e​

Ron Vaillant Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ron.vaillant.7​

Ron Vaillant Twitter: https://twitter.com/RonVaillant​


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