“Hemp mega brand HempEarth Group Ltd. is set to build “World’s First Hemp Plane”, which is made out of 85% Hemp!” pic.twitter.com/80xjDpDHOn — Global Hemp Projects (@hempprojects) September 18, 2014
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LEAKED DOCUMENT : Ractopamine injected into animals is currently banned in 160 countries. The American Pork Council letter to US governement officials says europeans must lift the ban on it in the free trade agreement. The europeans must also avoid ALL “animal welfare” measures (page 2)
DOCUMENT HERE The FDA has linked ractopamine to nearly a quarter-million reported adverse events in pigs (more than half of those pigs were sickened or killed) — more than any other animal drug. These pigs became lame or unable to stand, started trembling, or suffered a host of other ailments. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/12/24/ractopamine-beta-agonist-drug.aspx http://www.livescience.com/47032-time-for-us-to-ban-ractopamine.html
Black ‘grand jury’ to examine Michael Brown shooting in St. Louis
In this Nov. 25, 2014 file photo, demonstrator Maryam Said raises her painted hands during a protest against a grand jury’s decision on Monday not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown in New … more > By Jessica Chasmar – The Washington Times – Sunday, December 14, 2014 […]
37 Million Bees Found Dead In Ontario, Canada After Planting Large GMO Corn Field
Millions of bees dropped dead after GMO corn was planted few weeks ago in Ontario, Canada. The local bee keeper, Dave Schuit who produces honey in Elmwood lost about 37 million bees which are about 600 hives. “Once the corn started to get planted our bees died by the millions,” Schuit said. While many bee […]
Georgia’s New Plan To Arrest Welfare Abusers: Local Business and Illegal Aliens Collecting From 100 Million Dollar Programs
As many know, the food stamps program is intended to help low income families afford food. Recently, however, more and more stories are coming to light revealing dishonesty and abuse of the system. It appears that when given the chance, many people tend to trade the food stamps for cash, and end up buying whatever […]