A new leak of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), yet another secretive trade treaty, reveals plans for new Internet laws including a ban on mandates for free and open source software, constraints on local hosting mandates for personal data, and a requirement to bring in anti-spam laws that most countries have found ineffective. A […]
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RAND PAUL: ‘DISINGENUOUS’ OBAMA CAN STOP NSA SPYING ANY TIME HE WANTS ‘Why doesn’t he stop it? What’s he waiting for?’
“Why doesn’t he stop it? What’s he waiting for?” Mr. Paul said. “He [says], ‘Oh, Congress can stop it.’ He started it on his own. He should stop it, and I’ve asked the president repeatedly, ‘Stop the program.’ “ https://youtu.be/RDI8Py0Lvms “I think sometimes my party gets all caught up in the Second Amendment, which is […]
The legal issues today’s Journalists, Creators, and Entrepreneurs share | New Media Rights
“For too many journalists, one lawsuit could bankrupt them or their newsroom.” –Josh Stearns, GR Dodge Foundation Photo credit: “A Bridge to Nowhere” by Paolo Crosetto on Flickr, used via Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license In our 9 year history providing legal services on over 1400 individual matters, we’ve tracked a significant convergence in the legal needs […]
Empire of Lies: The Ron Paul Documentary is now being funded on Kickstarter… Important this gets made before the 2016 primaries.
Empire of Lies: The Ron Paul Documentary is now being funded on Kickstarter.. Liberty’s Champion Ron Paul and his battle with the Warfare State, the Fed and its Cronies, Printing Press Money & the Lapdog Press. About The Project EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary This Kickstarter campaign marks the first public announcement of […]
Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima
Iraqi Birth Defects Worse than Hiroshima (warning: graphic images) The United States may be finished dropping bombs on Iraq, but Iraqi bodies will be dealing with the consequences for generations to come in the form of birth defects, mysterious illnesses and skyrocketing cancer rates. Al Jazeera’s Dahr Jamail reports that contamination from U.S. weapons, particularly Depleted Uranium (DU) […]
St. Louis Police and Mayor Don’t Want You To See This Brutal ‘Before Ferguson’ Video
Now the videos are seeing the light of day, and it’s up to all of us to help spread the word so this ends up as headline news! The St. Louis Police and city officials don’t want you to see this video from four months before the Michael Brown shooting and Ferguson protests. Back on […]
Chelsea Manning rewrites the Espionage Act
Former intelligence analyst Manning has drafted a 31-page bill to re-establish protections for freedom of speech and the press that have been challenged by the Justice Department in recent court decisions involving whistleblowers and journalists. Manning’s bill, The National Integrity and Freedom of Speech Protection Act (NIFSPA) of 2015, sent the US Senate and the […]
Internet users oppose Fast Tracking the TPP, but Facebook doesn’t seem to care
Internet users oppose Fast Tracking the TPP, but Facebook doesn’t seem to care U.S. Congress is hurtling toward a vote on a “Fast Track” bill that would speed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) into law. The TPP is a secret agreement that contains extreme copyright provisionsthat endanger Internet freedom. Thousands of tech companies, from tiny startups to […]
Mass defection of writers from Veterans Today. Alternative radio hosts in suspicious car accidents
Posted on May 3, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | Posted on May 3, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | Veterans Today (VT), a popular “alternative media” website, is experiencing a mass defection of its contributors, among whom are retired U. of Wisconsin-Madison professor Jim Fetzer, federal whistleblower Stew Webb, author Dean Henderson, CIA whistleblower Gene “Chip” […]
An entire slew of mysterious deaths surround Jade Helm 15 state Wal-Marts where at least 4 decomposing bodies have been found within a month’s period of time in Texas and Oklahoma
An entire slew of mysterious deaths surround Jade Helm 15 state Wal-Marts where at least 4 decomposing bodies have been found within a month’s period of time in Texas and Oklahoma in at least 5 different incidents. The latest case getting mainstream media attention from this Daily Mail story shares of a Colorado father of […]