Looks like there is a MASSIVE Helium leak in an Earthquake fault in Los Angeles, California! https://youtu.be/4gKHlZk3hLc Reports Indicate Newport-Inglewood fault more important than previously thought Risk in the next 30 years of ‘big one’ increased from about 4.7% to 7.0% However, study says risk of smaller quakes has actually gone down. HaTTiP
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11 Thought Provoking Images Show What Humans Are Really Doing To The Planet
Go to school, get a job, pay your bills, and try to put yourself in a position to earn enough money to be able to live – this is our current human experience. But while we’re busy focusing on how to survive, our planet is being trashed at an exponential rate. Is it possible to create a […]
Pilot Forgets To Turn Off CHEMTRAILS While Landing…?
A pilot of a commercial airliner made a mistake that PROVES the existence of “CHEMTRAILS” — by forgetting to turn them off before he landed! We have video of the plane landing while still spraying CHEMTRAILS as it hits the runway. This is the first empirical evidence to back-up claims made people, smeared as “conspiracy-theorists,” who […]
The CIA Is Shutting Down Its Secretive Climate Change Research Project
The Central Intelligence Agency has announced that it’s closing down MADEA, a decades-old research program that shared classified information with scientists to study how climate change might exacerbate global security risks. Top image: Spy satellite data has revealed Antarctic ice vulnerability. (Credit: NASA/Goddard) MEDEA, or Measurement of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis, was a CIA […]
VIDEO: Significant amounts of Fukushima radiation detected on west coast — Nuclear Expert: Levels are 30 times worse than predicted… “and it’s just the beginning of the onslaught”
VIDEO: Significant amounts of Fukushima radiation detected on west coast — Nuclear Expert: Levels are 30 times worse than predicted… “and it’s just the beginning of the onslaught”; Scientists have no clue about what’s coming, their real goal was downplaying damage to Pacific In April of 2015, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer, Arnie Gundersen and the Fairewinds […]
40 percent of US honeybee population lost over year, as mysterious die-off accelerates
The number of the so-far unexplained honeybee deaths in the US rose at a significant and “troubling” rate last year, according to a government report. The summer deaths have for the first time outnumbered the winter ones. Thousands of beekeepers reported losses of 42.1 percent of their colonies in the 12-month period that ended in […]
Colombia Suspends Use of Aerial Herbicide to Kill Coca Crops
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced today that he is halting the use of the herbicide glyphosate as part of a US-backed effort to destroy coca crops. More than four million acres of land in the country have been sprayed with the Monsanto-manufactured weed killer. The US has paid for the program as part of […]
Australia: Maurice Newman, the head of Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s Business Advisory Council, said the UN is using false models of global warming
SYDNEY (Reuters) – Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s chief business adviser has accused the United Nations of using debunked climate change science to lead a new world order, provocative claims made to coincide with a visit from the top UN climate negotiator. Christiana Figueres, who heads the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, toured Australia […]
“War Of The Gods” – Excellent Interview With Mitchael Tsarion
“War Of The Gods” – Excellent Interview With Mitchael Tsarion https://youtu.be/2Gd1KOgHu60
The article “OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: “THE MOST SECRET COVERT BLACK OPERATION IN WORLD HISTORY” ?” about a chemtrail pilot finally blowing the whistle about the previously unknown operation called “OPERATION: INDIGO SKYFOLD” has created quite a stir online to the point that it has literally shut down our system. …As expected, trolls from the government […]