Julian Assange Alive Proof Of Life Argentina Conspiracy theories had flooded the internet over whether he had died or been taken into custody since Mr Assange went quiet after being stripped of his internet access in the Ecuadorian embassy around two weeks ago.Wikileaks itself added to the mystery with a series of tweets culminating in […]
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Rigging the Election – Video IV: $20K Wire Transfer From Belize Returned
In the effort to prove the credibility of the undercover donor featured in the videos and to keep the investigation going, Project Veritas Action made the decision to donate twenty thousand dollars to Robert Creamer’s effort. Project Veritas Action had determined that the benefit of this investigation outweighed the cost. And it did. In an […]
Eexactly How Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “Fixer” Destroyed Bill Clinton’s Sexual Victims / Women
Exactly How Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “Fixer” Destroyed Bill Clinton’s Sexual Victim/s Women Author Jeff Rovin Claims He Was Media ‘Fixer’ for Bill & Hillary Clinton: “I arranged a meeting for Hillary and a woman in an exclusive Beverly Hills hotel,” the man, who was hired by the Clintons, via a Hollywood executive, to cover up […]
looks like voting machines in 22 states are directly connected to the Clinton Foundation
Please spread this. .@dominionvoting me & my friends are wondering why a company that supplies 50% of voting machines 2 America donates $ to #ClintonFoundation?
Big media getting bigger: AT&T agrees to buy Time Warner for more than $85B
The agreement, if approved by regulators, would be one of the largest acquisitions ever in the telecom-media sector. It also lays bare AT&T’s grand ambition to control sizable market shares in both content and distribution businesses, a prospect that will surely trigger concern and scrutiny among federal regulators and consumer rights advocates. A year ago, […]
Doubt James O’Keefe’s Latest Videos Are Legit? WATCH THIS. Smoking Gun Proof that the DNC was connected to the Okeefe Operatives. MUST WATCH!!
This is a mirror of ‘Busted! Smoking Gun Evidence Project Veritas Videos Are NOT FAKE’ by ThinkOutSideTheTV. Watch his original and sub to his channel here: https://youtu.be/-R7A3Qz60tQ. Reddit Is Blatantly Censoring Today’s Bombshell Video That Could Flip The Election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXNGD… https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uBxNG-oeNDw Wikileaks emails: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emai… https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emai… Original CNN Video: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/11/pol… HIDDEN CAM: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner, […]
Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking
by Julia Angwin ProPublica, Oct. 21, 2016, 8 a.m. Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking When Google bought the advertising network DoubleClick in 2007, Google founder Sergey Brin said that privacy would be the company’s “number one priority when we contemplate new kinds of advertising products.” And, for nearly a […]
Shocking Footage: Media Caught Covering Up Clinton’s Ongoing Looting Of Haiti
The dying mainstream media is desperately trying to suppress the Haiti disaster story to protect the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. To donate to a charity that’s helping the Haitians with Gary Heavin, please visit FERHA http://ferha.org/, which is primarily managed and operated by Haitians. https://youtu.be/3IWrPXt7NJ4 Related: http://www.infowars.com/wheres-the-cl…
Repeal Bill C-51 and Save Our Security Now
“We’ve just launched a powerful new tool to get Canadian voices on the public record against Bill C-51.” Repeal Bill C-51 and Save Our Security Now When the government passed Bill C-51, they weakened the privacy rules that keep us all safe. The new government says it wants to do better, and is asking Canadians […]
Hillary Clinton cuts post-#Debate press conference short after being asked about James OKeef videos, won’t answer
Hillary Clinton cuts post-#Debate press conference short after being asked about @JamesOKeefeIII videos, won’t answer SHE SAYS “I CAN’T DEAL DEAL WITH EVERYONE OF THESE CONSPIRACY THEORY’S” Really they are conspiracy theory’s huh? Hillary Clinton cuts post-#Debate press conference short after being asked about @JamesOKeefeIII videos, won’t answer pic.twitter.com/I1pyVouBDz — MicroSpookyLeaks™ (@WDFx2EU7) October 20, 2016