Hi there folks. First off I want to thank every single one of you that has ever visited Thewatchtowers.org and to say how much I truly do / did appreciate it. TheWatchTowers COM/NET/ORG has been a labour of love since late 2010. The times we are living in… They have been the times I have […]
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HELP JEREMIA: Alberta Sheriffs Pull Teenager From Farm Tractor After Questioning Breathalyzer
On July 31, Jeremia Leussink had an altercation with the Alberta Sheriffs that he will never forget. FULL REPORT from Keean Bexte: https://rebelne.ws/3iAZ6qp
Beachgoer ARRESTED for walking on empty Lake Ontario beach | #FightTheFines Case #11| VIDEO
One moment, Cobourg resident Tamara was walking along the beach with her friend. The next, she’s being cuffed, put in a cruiser, and whisked away to the crowbar motel for two hours. Why? Because she had the audacity to be on her local beach. Beachgoer ARRESTED for walking on empty Lake Ontario beach | #FightTheFines […]
DAN DICKS CENSORED – The Press For Truth YouTube Channel Has Been PERMANENTLY DELETED!!! The Press For Truth YouTube channel has been terminated. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth has been producing videos and documentary films for over 14 years on YouTube, with over 270k subscribers, over 35M video views and 5 documentary films but […]
China’s Hong Kong law is ‘an affront to all nations’: Pompeo – YouTube
State secretary mike #Pompeo said the u-s is deeply concerned about people’s safety in hong kong. China’s new hong kong security law just came into effect– it not only applies to locals but also foreigners as well. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that #China’s Hong Kong #NationalSecurityLaw is “an affront to all nations”. Article […]
HIV related Patents by Inventor Dr. Anthony S. Fauci
Patents by Inventor Anthony S. Fauci Anthony S. Fauci has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Source Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV GP120 and […]
The World Health Organization has warned that a “new way of living” will be needed until a coronavirus vaccine is ready.
These UN-Elected UN bureaucrats funded by China, Bill Gates, and Soros etc., are prepared to hold the world hostage for their agenda. The Mirror reported: The World Health Organization has warned that a “new way of living” will be needed until a coronavirus vaccine is ready. Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s regional director for the Western Pacific, […]
WATCH | Bill Gates on the Covid-19 vaccine: “You Don’t Have A Choice”
“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice… But for the world at large, normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” https://youtu.be/xUChdrL6Cd8 Bill Gates speaking to The Financial Times on April 8, 2020 about the Covid-19 vaccine: You Don’t Have A Choice “But you don’t have […]
Coronavirus outbreak: Canadian troops at care homes; Ontario ‘peaks’ earlier than expected
Mike Armstrong reports on how Canadian soldiers are starting their new duties at Quebec care homes, as COVID-19 continues to ravage these overwhelmed and understaffed facilities. Plus, Jeff Semple explains how Ontario’s outbreak has peaked sooner than expected – and the challenges that may still lie ahead for the province. New data suggests the spread […]
China: Bill in Congress would Hold CCP Accountable for Its “Reckless Actions” in Pandemic
(Minghui.org) As President Trump is preparing to reopen America after months of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many lawmakers in the US are also introducing bills and calling for investigations to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for the “worst cover-up in human history.” The “Justice for Victims of COVID-19 Act” On April 14, […]