A “gay” activist contends churches that lobby to preserve the right of religious believers not to promote homosexual behavior should lose their tax-exempt status. Activist sets litmus test for religious freedom in America Jeran Artery of the homosexual-rights group Wyoming Equality made the assertion on his Facebook page and deleted it a short time later, reported […]
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The Quick Truth about Christmas and Easter – You have got to watch this video!
You have got to watch this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFEJzMk7oLk The Quick Truth about Christmas and Easter Quick and short video that is great for sharing on facebook or forums that keeps it interesting despite people’s short attention span. PLEASE SHARE!
A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service
Liberal groups are up in arms regarding the religious freedom bills in Indiana and other states that would allow business owners to refuse to provide services for events they deem contrary to their faith or belief systems. However, there are unintended consequences to forcing all business owners to provide services for those they disagree with. […]
Edmonton Atheists to Run Bus Ads Claiming It’s ‘Good’ to Be ‘Godless;’ Erase God in Famous ‘Creation of Adam’ Painting
Edmonton Atheists’ ad erasing God from the “Creation of Adam” painting by Michelangelo. The Society of Edmonton Atheists revealed that it will be running ads on 10 buses for four weeks in the Edmonton area with a message that it’s “good” for people to be “godless.” The ads feature the famous painting “The Creation of […]
Christian Pastor In England Gets Arrested For Quoting The Bible In Public, He Is Then Forced To Be Tried By An Islamic Sharia Judge Who Fines Him And Threatens To Imprison Him For Forty Five Days
A Christian pastor in England, named Michael Overd, was arrested for quoting a passage from the Bible, Leviticus 20:13, in which is referenced homosexuality. He was then arrested for reciting what has been deemed as “threatening” or “abusive” words against homosexuals. He was then forced to be tried by Shamim Qureshi, a Muslim who is also […]
Former Canadian Acting PM Paul Hellyer: “USA in grave danger.” Exposes Cabal, calls for New Energy, ET Disclosure, Cabal ouster in 2016 Election
By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH HON. PAUL HELLYER’S STATEMENT ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In a video statement released March 18, 2015, Former Canadian acting Prime Minister Paul Hellyer, declaring the USA to be “in grave danger”, exposed the Shadow Cabal controllers and called upon the American people to elect a new Administration […]
OUTRAGE! Daycare Confiscates 5-year-old Girl’s Lunch Because It Wasn’t Halal
One mother is outraged after her 5-year-old daughter returned from daycare with her chicken sandwich confiscated because daycare workers were unable to determine if the food was halal. Yasmin Jackson, 24, claims that her daughter was starved for the entire day after the staff at Kingswood Daycare Nursery in Mitcham, London took the her daughter’s lunch. Jackson […]
An author who successfully predicted Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation now is suggesting Pope Francis may be a believer in an ancient prophecy that foretells disaster for the Roman Catholic Church. The pope unleashed an international frenzy of speculation when he recently commented, “I have a feeling my pontificate will be brief. … It is a […]
Audio Clip of OBAMA: ISIS “Distorts OUR religion”
Benjamin Fulford: Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending
(Benjamin Fulford) There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret. Perhaps the biggest, and hardest […]