An extremely powerful video compliments this powerful, thought-provoking narration that will put you into contemplation mode. Speech: Alan Watts – What is Wrong With Our Culture Thought-provoking 5 minutes on the state of the world from the late, great Alan Watts, a man far ahead of his time. Well worth the 5 minutes to watch. […]
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View from Inside Fukushima Prefecture: Vastly Different from Govt. Pronouncements
Because of Japan’s unconscionable open-ended new secrecy law, it is very likely journalism in the nation has turned tail, scared of its own shadow. Nevertheless, glimmers of what has happened, of what is happening, do surface when brave people come forward. On May 22nd 2015 Hiromichi Ugaya, a photojournalist who is well-informed, insightful, and engaging, […]
Documentary Reveals How Prolific Chemicals Are in Our Daily Lives “Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, we know that 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests. The dangers of pre- or post-natal exposure to this complex mixture of carcinogens, developmental […]
11 Thought Provoking Images Show What Humans Are Really Doing To The Planet
Go to school, get a job, pay your bills, and try to put yourself in a position to earn enough money to be able to live – this is our current human experience. But while we’re busy focusing on how to survive, our planet is being trashed at an exponential rate. Is it possible to create a […]
Survival of Spaceship Earth: The Ultimate Rockefeller Depopulation Propaganda Film
Aaron takes on the 1972 United Nations propaganda film that has the captains of the planet take control over the world’s growing population, using Malthusian rhetoric to demand that “less people be invited to be born” and that every trick in the book be used for control. This shameless parade features such regular eugenicists as […]
40 percent of US honeybee population lost over year, as mysterious die-off accelerates
The number of the so-far unexplained honeybee deaths in the US rose at a significant and “troubling” rate last year, according to a government report. The summer deaths have for the first time outnumbered the winter ones. Thousands of beekeepers reported losses of 42.1 percent of their colonies in the 12-month period that ended in […]
We Are One Planet – Carl Sagan
Carl Edward Sagan – was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer and science communicator in astronomy and natural sciences. His contributions were central to the discovery of the high surface temperatures of Venus. However, he is best known for his contributions to the scientific research of extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the […]
Top 10 countries with the most electronic waste
With 7.07 million electronic waste in 2014, also known as e-waste, the United States leads the countries that produce the most electronic waste last year, according to a research report released by United Nations University (UNU) on April 19. About 42 million tons of e-waste was dumped around the globe last year, and it is […]
Spanish Winemaker Obtains Permission to Cut Down 154 Acres of California Redwoods Read more: Spanish Winemaker Obtains Permission to Cut Down 154 Acres of California Redwoods
As California’s wine industry continues to grow, vintners are searching for suitable areas to grow grapes outside of the valleys and closer to the coast. But Spanish winemaker Artesa Vineyards and Winery is taking this quest too far with plans to destroy 154 acres of coastal redwoods and Douglas firs to make space for new grapevines. […]
Why aren’t we building more with hemp?
There are a lot of possibilities to save the environment, including hemp. A lot of people – including the famous Jack Herer – have even said that hemp can save the world. Cannabis News Network gives you the answers. Why aren’t we building more with hemp? – Videos #1 and #2 of a two part set. […]