In one breath this article says this:
“If you have a house, you have to take care of it all by yourself. If you are a renter in a large apartment building, there are a lot of economies of scale. People who actually know what they’re doing will help you take care of it. So an optimistic way to look at moving toward less ownership is just, as we specialize more,”
It then goes on to say this:
“Owning a home is a really kind of clunky thing to do, but it gives me a tremendous amount of insurance and security. If I am literally depending day to day on some kind of sharing or interdependence for my shelter then if the terms of trade turn against me… I’m in a really bad situation.” Source:
You are too stupid to take care of your house. Live in an apartment where those who actually know what they are doing can help you…….
Wow. The gaslighting is incredible.
Jacked up housing prices = you can’t or don’t want to own a home.
Jacked up food prices = government will supply you with food.
Jacked up fuel prices = government will supply transportation.
Communism is the end game.