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Chinese Tech Exec Faces 30 Years in Prison in U.S., Canadian Prosecutor Says

The charges Meng is facing in the U.S. have to do with Huawei using an unofficial subsidiary to access the Iran market in dealings that would contravene U.S. sanctions.

Meng is accused of fraud. The prosecutor says she assured banks that Huawei and Skycom were separate companies but he says the U.S. contends that Skycom is Huawei.


The Chinese have been subverting Canada for decades.

The Chinese government has given billions of dollars to its citizens to come to Canada and buy up land and properties. These properties then sit empty for years or as much as a decade. Then they sell it off at an super inflated price to drive the housing market into a bubble.

Then as prices climb out of the reach of citizens the Chinese government funnels even more money for Chinese nationals to scoop up as many properties as possible and simply hold them or rent them for insane prices. 

Majority of British Columbia is owned by Chinese foreign nationals. They have also scooped up a lot of properties in Ontario (specifically around the GTA) and in Alberta. 

They also give their citizens a lot of money to come into Canadian post secondary institutions to bump out the positions for citizens. They will literally pay the students tuition, room and board, food, clothing, entertainment, everything, and the students dont have to pay it back as long as they attempt to gain citizenship in Canada. 

More recently they have begun purchasing businesses for sale all across Canada.

They are buying up land and companies and are doing a soft invasion. They want Canada because of its proximity to the US.

Martin MacMahon

We are taking a brief break at the #MengWanzhou bail hearing. Her lawyer says she is willing to surrender her Chinese passport which has recently been flown in. Police seized her Hong Kong passport when she was arrested.


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