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CNN GETS A HUGE DOSE OF TRUTH When They Visit A Pro-Trump Town in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania : ‘Finally Got Somebody With Some Balls’

CNN GETS A HUGE DOSE OF TRUTH When They Visit A Pro-Trump Town in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania : ‘Finally Got Somebody With Some Balls’
CNN just got a huge dose of truth from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania voters who told CNN’s Martin Savidge that they were ready to vote for President Donald Trump again thanks to his strong foreign policy.

They expressed satisfaction with pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal to moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“How are you feeling?” Savidge asked Ron Farster, a trucker who voted for Trump.

“Great,” Farster replied. “Finally got somebody with some balls.”…BOOM! This is what most Americans are thinking! Peace through strength is the way to go and America knows it!