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CommonPass – new covid passport trials – You will need to be vaccinated to travel, you will need to have this covid passport. That will morph into something bigger…

CommonPass - Travelling The World In The Covid Era | World Economic Forum

CommonPass – Travelling The World In The Covid Era
Posted 24 août 2020

This new initiative could let people travel around the world safely while keeping their health data private. CommonPass is a framework to link health data and COVID-19 tests with travel


This has been the goal of covid in my opinion, if the virus is real or is not; its all the same.

*You will need to be vaccinated to travel, you will need to have this covid passport. That will morph into something bigger… you will be a QR code.

*I thought CoviPass would be the standard. I wish I had taken screen shots and downloaded the videos. Since they changed everything around. Found the original video on their youtube channel for the owner for CoviPass/Tentohealth.


Now covipass.com forwards to https://tentohealth.com/

https://thecommonsproject.org/commonpass will be in trials with United Airlines. Guess who they are funded by?

Article on the trial: https://www.futuretravelexperience.com/2020/10/cathay-pacific-and-united-to-trial-digital-health-passports/

International Cooperation.
On July 9th, The Commons Project, The World Economic Forum and [b]The Rockefeller Foundation[/b] convened more than 350 public and private sector leaders from 52 countries to come together to design a common framework for safe border reopening.

CoviPass/Tento is owned by https://www.vstenterprises.com/ but can’t find any connection between the two.

*I believe this will morph into a QR code for your license, banks(since they want to get rid of cash) and anything else they can think of. Plus since you need to take a covid test, they have your DNA on file.

If you worked in government you know how none of the systems talk to each other, a common platform will make this easier. I wonder if the QR code will get rid of facial recognition because of masks or will compliment it.

Fun times ahead.

*HaTTiP: CrassOutlaw