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Corona Investigative Committee Session 100: Last Stop: Justice

▪︎ Welcome and Introduction
▪︎ Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. hum. biol. Ulrike Kämmerer, human biologist, immunologist, cell biologist, 🇩🇪Germany
and Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg, lung and respiratory system specialist, former public health physician
▫️Why SARS-Cov-2 “vaccinated” people can test HIV+.
▪︎ Jimmy Verum, 🇩🇪Germany
▫️Juridical steps against German public broadcasting and how to defend against false reporting/censorship
▪︎ Joel Skousen, 🇺🇲USA
▫️The influence of the City of London
▫️The role of the Deep State during the plandemic
▫️Reasons for the Provocation of the Ukraine Crisis
▪︎ Martin Armstrong, 🇺🇲USA
▫️The role of the Deep State during the plandemic
▫️The impact of negative interest rates
▫️Reasons for the Provocation of the Ukraine Crisis
▪︎ Conclusion
▪︎ Goodbye
🎞 German 💉 injury victim Felicia Binger tells her story


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