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Covid could well have been brought under control via natural immunity were it not for the vaccines.

Covid could well have been brought under control via natural immunity were it not for the vaccines.

It is called “Herd Immunity, one of the things they where honest about during the pandemic and mRNA clinical trails… The caveat being they said the only way to achieve “heard immunity” was via the unproven synthetic genetic mRNA aka COVID-19 Vaccines…

The same vaccines which reached 300% negative efficacy, ONS then stopped publishing the figures
It means one is 3x as likely to get it if vaccinated.


Omnicron was as bill gates said even while trying to spin the word Vaccine into it “A type of Vaccine and unfortunately”.

Heather Hamilton of the Washington Examiner reports an interesting assessment from tech guru Bill Gates.

Billionaire Bill Gates said the omicron variant moved faster than COVID-19 vaccines, creating a high level of natural immunity.

While speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Gates, who has helped to fund the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, was asked for his opinion on where the pandemic stands.

“Sadly, the virus itself, particularly, the variant called omicron, is a type of vaccine, that is, it creates both B-cell and T-cell immunity, and it’s done a better job getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines,” the Microsoft co-founder said. “That means the chance of severe disease, which is mainly associated with being elderly and having obesity or diabetes, those risks are now dramatically reduced because of that infection, exposure.”

Gates, who is not a medical doctor, noted that vaccination efforts moved too slowly for his liking.

“It’s sad we didn’t do a great job on therapeutics, only two years in, and we have a good therapeutic,” Gates said. “Vaccines have took us two years to be in oversupply. Today, there are more vaccines than there is demand for vaccines.”

Gates called for a quicker response “more like six months.”

On Friday, President Joe Biden extended the national state of emergency in response to COVID-19.

The National Emergencies Act requires that the president notify Congress within 90 days prior to the state of emergency expiring or the state of emergency is automatically terminated.

“More than 900,000 people in this Nation have perished from the disease, and it is essential to continue to combat and respond to COVID-19 with the full capacity and capability of the Federal Government,” Biden stated in his notice.

The national state of emergency was set to expire on March 1.

“Never isolated or purified”. Its just a computer AI programs output. “Conspiracy theorist” has researched both sides of the data, i suggest you do the same. We will wait for you with welcome arms

Is COVID-19 “just like the flu”?



It looked like it was for a month or so in November.

But now we can see the difference! COVID is much worse than the flu, which is seasonal, while Covid is not.

#CovidIsntOver – Due to the mRNA vaccines



This correlation is suspicious.




This was predicted from the start by one guy.

Geert Vanden Bossche about the pandemic.



Read his book, or it maybe easier to Watch the video here:

“Geert Vanden Bossche about the pandemic”

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