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Creepy porn lawyer Avenatti says he might run for POTUS (again)

Hey look, Michael Avenatti, the creepy porn lawyer is trying to get back into the news.

Hey look, Michael Avenatti, the creepy porn lawyer is trying to get back into the news. He’s threatening to run for presdient again, and says there’s a 50/50 chance that he’ll run in a few months. All this shows is that not only is Avenatti batshit crazy, but the Democrat field is such a joke that corrupt bastards like him think they could actually succeed if they ran. I don’t know why, but CNBC gave this clown an interview on Friday.

Embattled celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti is revisiting a potential 2020 presidential bid and told CNBC he is “one of the few effective fighters” in the Democratic Party.

“Never say never,” he told CNBC Friday when asked if he might still run in 2020. “The Dems need a non-traditional fighter. They have a lot of talent but not a lot of fighters.”

Avenatti said he puts the odds of running at 50-50, and he will make a final decision in the next few months, CNBC reported Saturday.

“I don’t think I need to make a final decision for a number of months. I have the name ID and everyone knows I’m one of the few effective fighters that the Dems have,” said Avenatti, who adopted the catch phrase “basta,” or “enough,” during his frequent attacks on President Donald Trump.