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Democratic Rep. Accused Of Charity Fraud Seeks Donations For Legal Defense


Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown, who is currently facing felony charges for fraud, is trying to solicit donations online to fund her legal defense.

Brown, who currently represents Florida’s 5th congressional district, was indicted in July on more than 20 counts of fraud. According to federal prosecutors, Brown and a collaborator presented the non-profit One Door for Education as a scholarship fund, but instead used its finances as a personal slush fund. Brown supposedly used the money to pay off back taxes and fund public events honoring herself. Despite raising $800,000, One Door awarded only a single $1,000 scholarship.

Brown’s political fortunes have collapsed since the indictment, but she has refused to give in. She has pleaded not guilty to the charges, and has refused to resign her seat even after losing the Democratic primary in August.

Now, Brown launched another fundraising campaign, trying to convince supporters they should fund her criminal defense. On the page for the Corrine Brown Legal Expense Trust, Brown argues that she is being prosecuted by sinister forces who want to bring down a powerful black woman. (Indicted Dem Congresswoman Compares Her Ordeal To Dallas Shooting)

 “During my entire political career, I have fought racism, injustice and advocated for individuals who normally get left behind,” the page says. “It should come as no surprise that some took offense to my efforts to stand up for you.”

The page touts Brown’s various political deeds during her congressional career, such as increasing the amount of gas tax money returned to Florida, getting Congressional Gold Medals for the first black members of the Marine Corps, and fighting against “stand your ground” gun laws.

A lack of money isn’t the only problem with Brown’s defense. Three of her legal teams have dropped the case, with the most recent one citing “an atmosphere of hostility and distrust” for its decision to drop Brown.

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