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Devout Catholics Report Suspicious Activity After Chris Wray’s FBI Targets Faithful Catholics for “Extremist Behavior”

As Gateway Pundit reported in April, Chris Wray’s FBI is now infiltrating Catholic parishes. The FBI agents are engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

As Gateway Pundit reported in April, Chris Wray’s FBI is now infiltrating Catholic parishes. 

The FBI agents are engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

This is an earth-shattering development in the US intelligence community.  We already knew the FBI-DOJ was targeting traditional Catholics.  Now we have evidence they are infiltrating Catholic parishes.

Chris Wray’s FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ that was gaining popularity in the country. The memo was posted at UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.

Seraphin last year was suspended indefinitely from the FBI without pay after stepping forward as a whistleblower and alleging that the FBI is trying to hide how many man-hours they used on the Jan 6th investigation. Seraphin had worked at the FBI’s Richmond office for six years.

Now the FBI is infiltrating Catholic parishes!

Chairman Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee published the letter he wrote to FBI Chief Chris Wray in April.

Chris Wray should have been forced to resign and brought up on charges following this revelation that is clearly unconstitutional.

Now Catholic churchgoers are reporting suspicious activity at their parishes.

The Daily Signal reported:

Two parishioners at a Latin Mass Catholic church in rural Northern Virginia say they witnessed suspicious activity from what looked like FBI vehicles in February, a month after the FBI’s Richmond office published a now-rescinded internal memo focused on “radical-traditional Catholics.”

The FBI’s Washington, D.C., office, which monitors the church’s area, denied any knowledge of such activity in a statement to The Daily Signal.

The two witnesses told The Daily Signal that they saw two cars approach the church, drive through the parking lot as if they were writing down license plate numbers, and then leave, on two separate instances outside Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel in Linden, Virginia, some 63 miles west of Washington, D.C., between Feb. 12 and Feb. 26. (The memo had been published on Jan. 23 and rescinded on Feb. 9.)

“I saw a black Ford car with dark tinted windows and a knoblike antenna on the top,” one parishioner, who spoke on the condition on anonymity, told The Daily Signal. “It was driving very slowly by all the cars, and I could see a laptop in the center front.”

“I could not see the person inside, and no one ever got out,” the witness added. “They did leave as soon as they saw me looking at them.”

“I saw a white [Chevrolet] Tahoe car, with very tinted windows and lots of antennas, driving slowly through the parking lot,” the other witness told The Daily Signal, also speaking on the condition of anonymity. “Looked like a male. He had an open laptop in the middle of the car, not sure if he was typing, as the window was very dark.”

“He never got out of the car, but by the time I saw him, he was on his way out, and drove back towards the highway after pulling through,” the second parishioner added. “Not sure how long he was out there, as we were all inside. Everyone else was still inside the chapel, so he must have been going around while we were all inside at Mass/catechism.”

“I suspect that it was the FBI,” the witness added. “However, I could not confirm, since he never got out of the car.”

Read the rest here.

Source: Devout Catholics Report Suspicious Activity After Chris Wray’s FBI Targets Faithful Catholics for “Extremist Behavior” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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