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Did the RCMP want to bulldoze the Coutts blockade?!

Recently obtained Access to Information documents have exposed the tactics and expenditures of the RCMP as they worked to extinguish the Coutts Blockade — what we found was shocking.

It turns out, as the RCMP was gathering tow trucks to break apart the peaceful protest, they were also trying to source wrecking equipment as well, specifically in the form of a bulldozer.

Keep in mind, these are the same police that admitted to disabling and damaging three excavators parked on private property near the protest, to the point where they needed extensive repairs.

Click here to see what’s inside these internal documents to find out how police reacted to Alberta’s peaceful uprising to COVID tyranny.

RCMP’s million-dollar fortnight sees bulldozer strategies and

civilian complaints: Access to Information Requests Reveal

These documents verify that former Alberta premier Jason Kenney lied on camera about protesters assaulting police and that the RCMP spent upwards of $1 million to deal with the blockade.

Over a year later, Rebel News is still working to help defend the truckers and bring light to events that took place between the RCMP, provincial government, and peaceful protesters during that time.

If you would like to join us in this fight, please visit TruckerLawyer.ca where we are crowdfunding lawyers to help the excavator owners who are now suing the RCMP for approximately $150,000 for damaging their equipment.

These men deserve fair representation for the harm caused at the hands of police. Click here if you want to help.

Yours truly,

Sydney Fizzard

P.S. If you want to see more on this case, and find out how we are helping defend those who were targeted by our government during the Freedom Convoy protests at the Coutts Blockade, please visit TruckerLawyer.ca.


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