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DREAM PCR in the Vax wars – Dream PCR tests are being manufactured now, as of 5 days ago…

Dream PCR tests that avoid the 3 pitfalls common in searching for these Patent DNA / mRNA products, while avoiding the threat of lawsuits…. <— That’s why there’s no testing of the “Vaccines”…. YET.

This is a must read and a game changer from what I can tell and what the creators of the Dream PCR made it to be

Dream PCR:

We have been here before.

This is not our first Gene Patent Rodeo. We ran a clinical sequencing company that had to navigate 1000s of gene patents just to simply sequence a sick kids genome.

We came up with this method to navigate them and were never challenged despite 5 years commercially sequencing in the field.

It surprisingly was published by Nature Biotechnology and is likely the only time Murray Rothbard and Hayek are cited in Nat Bio.

The qPCR kits we designed to target the vaccines, utilize this technology. In affect, when we amplify a target sequence, we replace Cytosine with MethylCytosine (much like the vaccines swap out Uracil with N1-methyl-Pseudouracil. In some applications we use HydroxyMethylCytosine.

As a result the DNA we amplify is not the same as the DNA claimed in most Gene Patents. It is materially different. ( More @Source)

In closing this is what @KEVIN MCKERNAN the author lays out:

“So while the detractors assumed we were qPCR gimps, what is actually going on here is likely a patentable approach and their tweets are all evidence that this is non-obvious and likely inventive.

We already have patents on DREAM-PCR in multiple jurisdictions so we don’t need their evidence but I thought this was a good story to share.

Back to the concern over Pfizer and Moderna using IP to shut down the clinical testing of victims..

1)The region of Spike we target is the same in Moderna, Pfizer and J&J. Will be hard for anyone of them to claim it.

2)The Ori and SV40 Amplicons are outside of their grasp as these are age old vector sequences.

3)DREAM PCR likely navigates any composition of matter claims, or encoding claims they make on spike and our PCR assays took this into consideration from Day 1.

Not our first Rodeo.”

( More @Source)

Here is a PDF copy of the article: DREAM PCR in the Vax wars – by Anandamide