“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada. Those qualities are what make us the first post-nation state.”
So says Justin Trudeau, freshly-minted Prime Minister of Canada. What are Canadians to make of this curious proclamation? Does his post-modern vision happen to include an endorsement or approval from the Canadian people? If the name is Trudeau, and the nation is Canada, nobody should be surprised that it does not.
This method of political decision-making is far from an isolated incident. Justin’s father—former three-term Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau— also enjoyed toying with the fate of our nation based upon personal opinion. In fact, it was Trudeau Sr.’s socialist-infused political agenda which placed our nation in the precarious position we currently find ourselves in.
Some may refer to this as entitlement. They are correct— and while at it, may wish to add a healthy dose of presumption, arrogance and elitism. Indeed, for a former high school teacher to single-handedly decide the cultural destiny of our country is a bit rich for the blood. After all, we are not discussing the expansion of the NHL, or the rising price of maple syrup.
This is serious business. For Trudeau to proclaim our nation has no core identity, and should be based merely upon “shared” values is not much to hang one’s political hat on. Where’s the beef, Justin? Where is the meat for our multi-ethnic society to sink their teeth into in order to feel a sense of communal belonging? After all, we no longer live in an ethnically homogenous society. Forty years of third world immigration has rendered that concept as obsolete as VHS video tape.
Thus far into his tenure, PM Trudeau’s finest skills seem to be importing welfare recipients and supporting Islamic cultural events. In fact, after three months of leadership, our poster-boy Prime Minister has yet to display even a minuscule degree of pride in our English and French national heritage, or any other element of traditional Canadian society.
Beyond this, the boy-who-would-be-king’s favourite hobby seems to be tinkering with 150 years of democratic process—again, without an endorsement from the people of Canada. Gender equality, ethnic equality—all pleasant sounding buzzwords, yet if one scratches the surface out pops another questionable phenomenon— the manipulation of our electoral system to ensure people with dark skin replace people with light skin in government.
Incredibly, there is more— in the form of a unilateral plan to legislate electoral voting reform—despite repeated calls for the issue to be resolved by national referendum. Those calling for the plebiscite must have been high on the weed Justin promised to legalize. In between puffs they must have overlooked the fact that the voting reform agenda has been proven to result in an exclusive benefit to a single political party—and it is not the Marijuana Party.
What conclusions can be drawn here? Basically, the way the recent election played out is that Canadian youth voted for weed, and received 25,000 welfare recipients—otherwise known as refugees. In regards to our older and supposedly wiser demographic, they fared even worse—they voted to remove Stephen Harper and receiving a non-sanctioned plan to divest our country of everything it has stood for since confederation in 1867.
What do our history books have to say about the long-term success of a nation which built its foundation upon intangibles such as shared values? Human nature being what it is, the societal harmony which permeate Justin’s dreams results in little more than a power struggle for social and ethnic dominance.
Will Canada be immune to this phenomenon? Highly unlikely—as we have already witnessed through the Chinese language signage debate in Richmond BC, foreign investment controversy within our real estate markets, as well as a plethora of issues related to Islamic fundamentalism.
Recently, ex-Premier of BC Ujjal Dosanjh published an article in several mainstream media publications, where he speaks of a “fierce brand of exclusivist multiculturalism” that shames into silence all who oppose our diversity dilemma. Mr. Dosanjh, a lawyer by trade, labels this “multicultism”— a most fitting term if there ever was one.
Dosanjh goes on to speak of the inevitable fragmentation of society that results from institutionalized multiculturalism. Interestingly, multicultural policy is yet another government-enforced program devoid of public approval— this time at the hands of father Pierre.
What then shall be the fate of our nation? Will Canada somehow transcend all historical precedence to become the first nation-state devoid of a tangible identity? Will Islamic and Christian-Canadians soon be walking hand-in-hand into the sunset of multicultural bliss?
Not likely. To know what awaits, all one needs to do is take a gander across the big pond, to European nations presently on fire with ethnic strife, acts of terror, and the murder of the innocent.
Justin Trudeau is a both a narcissist and a dreamer, but then again, who wouldn’t be if they were raised behind castle walls of political privilege and globalist idealism.
With the election of Canada’s virgin Prime Minister, democratic process in Canada may be on its way toward its eventual death—with both primary gravediggers sharing the last name Trudeau.
January 2016