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Extinction Rebellion backed the blockade in K’omox. Locals showed up to dismantle the blockades, and were promptly called racists. But the Extinction Rebellion is mainly white people, funded by wealthy elitists, using first nations as moral shields.

Image result for Extinction Rebellion Backed Blockades? If Trudeau Refuses to Remove Them, Canadians Might Themselves

Potential Shortages https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toront… Modest Progress https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canad… Trudeau has no Power https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/… High Tensions in Comox https://www.mycomoxvalleynow.com/6380…

The objection to the alternate route was there was greater environmental risk and cost. I have read that case and the supreme court makes no such ruling. The whole problem is that there wasn’t a ruling and it’s in a legal grey area. Why set up illegal blockades (set up and manned by ER people)?


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