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Four Out Of Five Immigrants Do Not Graduate Elementary School In Sweden

Sweden: Four Out Of Five Immigrants Do Not Graduate Elementary School

Alternative-News.tk - 55900689

The Swedish mass-immigration in general, and the derailing of the so-called ‘unaccompanied children’, is described by those whom advocate for them as an investment for the future. But behind the political spectacle, a different reality emerges.

For example: 80 pro cent of all newly arrived asylum-seekers with proper school age fail to graduate elementary school, thus lacking high school eligibility. Even amidst the group that are of second generation asylum-seekers, they too show negative numbers.

This means that four out of five newly arrived are faced with a job market that has very little to offer them. Sweden has a low number of unqualified jobs to offer them. This includes the generation of asylum-seekers who have had their children born in Sweden. At best, this means that “only” a couple of billions will be spent on this group as welfare. In many cases, this means that not only are they awaiting a life of unemployment, but also the possibility of heavy criminal behavior or radical Islam/terrorism, far more so than just the economical impact it might have on society as a whole.

The liberal People’s Party D.N. (Daily News) draws the attention (use Google translate to read the article) on the frightening numbers, only to turn it around and use them as a “punching bag” against the current Leftist/Green Party. And the current head of school matters, Gustav Fridolin who prior to becoming a minister proclaimed with high regards how he would change the Swedish school development, from free-fall to success in just one hundred days.

What Daily News Amanda Björkman “forgets” to mention is her own cherished People’s Party with Jan Björklund at the tip, had responsibility for the development of the Swedish school for eight years; before Fridolin took over and that Björklund during several of these years had the same high regard to accomplish much in short time.

Björklund is right about Fridolin not being able to steer the crashing plane to safety. He won’t even marginally change the fact that a crushing majority that do not graduate elementary school, are first and second generation asylum-seekers. In this regard, Fridolin can shake hands with his predecessor – Björklund.

Fridolin is burdened by a heavy leftist/liberal educational quagmire by the bourgeois left-overs, which means that Fridolin’s failure will be far more monumental than that of Björklund. Facts are that no school minister who does not openly proclaim that the school is not prepared by the increase in immigration and in the politics of immigration, will be doomed to failure unless substantial changes are to be implemented to handle this.

On a side-note: There are PLENTY of high school graduates who have to compete with the already high immigration for jobs. Young people in Sweden have a really rough future ahead of them unless there’s a change in the near future to give them a head-start in life. Even suicides in small communities… I might do an article about this in the future.
