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France: Is Civil War Imminent?

France: Is Civil War Imminent?

Source: Patriots of Normandy FB page.

CRS = Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité
Republican Security Forces (special police forces / riot squads) Link: [link to www.facebook.com (secure)]

(Google translation)
CRS speaks, civil war is imminent … get ready !!!


Here is the story “Diary of a CRS” you will not find anywhere else as totally forbidden!

WORDS OF POLICE: (Take the time to read to the end)

This diary chronicles the daily missions that are loaded our CRS. There is no question of an advance text of the narration but the heart of the beginning of the civil war that began on our soil. For now, this civil war is contained in the scope of “The Jungle” in Calais. As we expect, expect that it will be spread when given the general assault signal. A carefully prepared attack against France. Against civilization. Against you…

The CRS says

“At the rally, we are asked once again to not say what happens here to people that we know. MUST HIDE THE TRUTH as money given to them every day, 3 meals a day offered the food distributed directly to the camp, often new clothes, the fact that they all, I mean all, the latest generation of smartphones (those we can not pay by working), free care to the death – indeed I pity firefighters in the area – the fact that they destroy a part of the food offered to them because they do not have what they ordered … ”

A shame to keep them on our soil!

“The morning was long. Very long. The lack of rest on this mission begins to be felt. Linking incessant services to different time … Day and night. That sale, come rain, snow … Finally … We feel disgust at not being able to do police work, grow here and there, in dangerous conditions. We are weary. by monitoring on an emergency lane for six hours (place where it is said that life is statistically calculated in less than fifteen minutes) noting helplessly that road all the countries using this route, make fun of us, police officers present … They lead these expressways without taking station to vehicles already on axis at full speed, we shave without slowing, undertake before our eyes without meeting the safety rules, the priority rules or the rules of the road … We are grazed by these trailers launched more than 90 km / h, which adds to the bad weather, a surreal dimension. In other places, we play the “cone of Lübeck” those famous orange plastic cones with reflective white stripes, which serve to materialize an accident, danger or at work, placed in front of the hole in the fence which costs a fortune . Each hole plugged or not, one or two police officers remain there under the whims of the elements and time to wait for a potential attack!

Migrants will come. A safety lock was installed, gigantic barrier of 4 or 5 meters high, spaced in parallel to a half meters over 35 kilometers … I’m away, I think. Every day, they break in different places where we are not! Repairs also cost a fortune.

4:30: Wake then we arrive at mealtime.

1:20 p.m. – We have not seen anyone. Not a migrant on our point. Time to eat, to take over the management of our accommodation, unloading collective arming and shower without drag.

15:15 – In 8:00, resuming service. The next night, we work. Tonight will be a pick-up service at 23:30 to complete (in theory) at 07:00 in the morning …

Time comes to resume the service. Mines are tired. Hello jovial, remains marked blatantly fatigue that reads more on faces, like writing. At the rally, the temperature of the day is given: some grenades, a lot of activity on highways, but even more in the evening. In the background, an onboard radio in one of the collection vehicles-active “about Golf-Alfa-2, they are in contact. They threw iron bars and stones. A home is affected slightly. Have used a dozen grenades MP7 [1]. “[…]” Two truck accident because of concrete blocks on highways. The have emerged. Request reinforcement 2 vehicles. ”

Meanwhile, we are reminded of the context of the use of the defense of bullet launcher. The launcher 40 is an intermediate defense weapon with a sight not projected red dot. He shoots rubber bullets and more than 50 meters button. Nevertheless, its use is highly regulated and binding. We are also reminded that as part of our work, it is allowed for people to take pictures of us!

Anarchists “NO BORDER” groups

The “NO BORDER” [2] encourage migrants to tender ambushes on us (although they did not need advice to do so) to take pictures and videos to denounce the “flaws” in the way of intervene or images to make us concerned. But above all, they hope to make maximum wounded in our ranks.

Loading the collective armament is the cul-truck armory. Of “blagounettes” are initiated here and there to make us forget that we would be better in a warm bed, in our homes and not under this constant drizzle that covers us little by little …

Women and children or parents, for many, is the thought of the moment, but will be sidelined in a minute or two. The roles of each in the VR [3] are distributed. “Who is entitled LBD [4]? “-” I, “replied Julien. Like others, I take a LBD. I say: “Personally, I take into account the Cougar pitcher [5].” He launched grenades piecemeal but with skill, it handles very well and fast recharge. His explosive noise resembles that of a mortar. – “OK” launches the skipper. “Who wants hand grenades? “They are divided into the tactical vests (which were tactics the name) meant to protect us from possible hits, absorb shocks, but also allow the transport of additional equipment. The distribution of tear gas grenades and containers made, I am working to put the grenade launcher vest for Cougar. He’s heavy. It contains grenades with a delay device [6] to start the 50 meters, some 100 meters away. The seal is broken. On the airwaves, we learn that the numbers that we will face are attacked in many places. We’ll have to hurry.

The leg protections are put on, helmets will be on our heads quickly … The LBD and Cougar are powered with a cartridge each, ready for use as needed. On the radio, the control station does not know which way to turn. We need reinforcements everywhere, on almost all points. Order is given to us, although we are in this dynamic night punctually reinforce a point just behind the camp of migrants, “the Jungle.”

00:15 – On arrival, the atmosphere is tense. The blue flashing lights flood the night and reflected on our faces protected half. The instructions are made. We are alone. Two VR mounted five men each, helmets on. On our side, twenty people come our way. Some are camouflage uniform, hat or black hood. These are the men and women of the collective “The Angry Calaisiens” [7]. They try to protect their property, but also give good information about past events or future, without fear, if necessary, to fight alongside the Forces of Order!

The week before our arrival, “The Angry Calaisiens” have provided considerable assistance to these colleagues.
Beset on all sides, the police used all their grenades and found themselves facing migrants armed with knives and iron bars.

Listening only to their courage, “The Angry Calaisiens” came to fight shoulder to shoulder alongside the security forces which, although having informed the hierarchy they had no means to contain intermediate the repeated assaults, were ordered to stay put.

There is action on a small road plunged into complete darkness, along the expressway. We work to clear piles of iron bars, concrete blocks and I still do not know what other makeshift projectiles packed and left by a group of migrants who wanted to launch them on the roads.

1:20 – The situation is calm for us. The firefighters involved in the camp, escorted by one of our patrols (5 men) to rescue a person injured by knives.

2:00 – In the distance, the silhouettes through the small road on which we operate towards civilian homes. Here and there on the radio is meant to signal waves of migrants to 40 or 50 individuals.

2:30 – Local residents and friends of the Collective leave the premises. We are immersed in the quiet of the night, with low lighting.

2:45 – On the air and everywhere around, we hear screaming that many trucks are stopped, assailed by waves of 50 migrants, some casualties on the fast track. At power up, we just lend a hand to the actual original information; below, a multitude of immobilized vehicles, almost in contact with each other, which, miraculously, are not collided with each other.

Looking like Gremlins, “little black devils” appear from all sides thickets They stormed the truck cabs, armed with iron bars.

>> Unleash violence
>> Click the image above to watch the video (12:48)

The removed Security off the bridge, four bursts Cougars 3 (or 12 grenades) manage to put away the attackers who are within 80 meters. We arrive, despite the collective excitement, not to touch any truck with our projectiles! Once the attackers repelled by staff stepped in on the fast track, the excavated rubble begins.

In turn, we get to board the vehicle came to pick us up on what looks like a “war zone”, zigzagging between stopped vehicles and debris of all kinds. On the airwaves, is ordered us to go back on the same axis to lend a hand to colleagues who are at the bottom level of grenades, some 300 meters above. At their height, we jump in our car still running because we find that is effective against the safety rail. Projectiles manage to reach them.

The objects are thrown from a wooded area without that we can distinguish individuals … Only screams from thickets in unknown dialects.

Sometimes a FUCK POLICE FUCK THE POLICE or mixes with Allah Akhbar! and their favorite slogan: VIVE DAESH!

Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve (Minister of the Interior), addressing the refugees … “Syrians” perhaps (?)

David, one of those who have come to support the shooting, shines its light and asks me to send a MP7 (tear gas) in the direction he thinks depart throws. Cougar with 3 shots, I finally get to saturate the place and put to flight the small group of troublemakers. The wind is in our favor. We took the opportunity, but the psychological effects are not negligible either. Just over 300 meters a group of 20 to 30 virulent individuals armed with iron bars, take the time to throw signs, metal studs torn away and dustbins dozens in the middle of the fast lane. We are making progress with a workforce of section 3: 2 and 2 Cougars officers with tear gas containers. Progress is made under the protection of Cougar shots. Migrants are fighting back with metal objects crashing at our feet, forming sparks and adding decibels to the surrounding din. Some are almost in contact. bearded face for some, for others beardless, average age 20 to 30 years. Robust. hateful looks. Eye of lethal flame we face.

We need to take this top. But the place from where the stones we hidden by vegetation that protects them. With the Cougar, shooting becomes stretched to try to penetrate the thick vegetation. Immediate effect: it makes them back and down to the camp entrance. While I take care of that part, the others behind me protect my back and my side.

Yhe spot has become ours. I put myself in protection with the Cougar, the time that colleagues go out the many accumulated debris. Downstairs, a hundred individuals (many masked) shout tend fists at us and iron bars over 1.50 m. Others are grouped under the bridge, right below us. A good fifty, waiting in ambush and collect many projectiles. A small group of 5 individuals joined the others running, tend their hands and separate right and left of the camp.

The removal of rubble is not complete, I remain the strong point, which seems a problem for them when suddenly, coming right at the camp entrance, projectiles are thrown at us as of other attackers try to get close. A real strategy of guerrilla warfare. I make a first shot bell. But the MP7 with DPR 100 meters (retarder) – I only have more than that in the vest – falls right behind them. The wind is not favorable to me, I decided to shoot at the feet 10 meters in front of those who come into contact. The perfectly executed shot, pushes back the attackers. Recharged quickly, I use it a second time against the Cougar group whose projectiles reach us. I managed with the rebound on a covered hut, to reach my target before tear gas pads are expelled from the body of the grenade. An individual tries to catch it. Too late. Boom!

Incidentally, protecting a group from our division came in support under the bridge to cut the onslaught of migrants in their direction, I pull a grenade happens right on a man throwing stones at the effective lower the striking to the face. The red card was brandished, it regains the locker room without asking for his.

The situation is under control now held on the spot by other staff from home.

We are requested by our check station that sends us reinforcements of a crew on the other side of the camp, where we started grenader early evening. At the scene, we still carry out sporadic gunfire MP7 on migrants arriving at us running and screaming.

6:50 – The night ends. We are raised. calm mind. One night we’d like to go more often … (!)

The next session will prove to be far less rewarding. The vehicle is placed on a roundabout overlooking views of the port 2 inputs, 2 with actual floor from 19:30 to 02:00. A wind of at least 120 km / h and heavy rain do not spare even the underside of the bridge right next door. All in all, one migrant came to try his luck on our point while on the other side of town, grenades fall galore.

So on … It’s too long …. I’m tired … ”

Type grenade launcher used by the Forces of Order.
>> [2] transnational anarcho-libertarian Networks invested in the struggles for freedom of movement and the abolition of borders against immigration control policies. Appearance: 1999.
>> [3]-Series vehicles.
>> [4] Defense Ball Launcher (or sub-lethal incapacitating weapons, known as the “Flash-Ball” brand marketed by Verney-Carron).
>> [5] Lance grenade simple action of cal. 56 mm / range: 50, 100 or 200 meters / weight: 3.7 kg.
>> [6] The DPR (device Propulsion Delay, set according to the length of the launch of the grenade).
>> [7] See the Facebook page of “Angry Calaisiens”

You have now read this … Feel free to distribute this testimony to all your contacts … Would that informing the maximum of people what our forces are going through … Now in Calais and soon in all of France because without being outrageously alarmist, it is undeniable that this flood of migrants contains many Muslim fundamentalists that gradually lead us to a likely …

CIVIL WAR … But shhh … no confusion!