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George Bush Sr., was a communist who lived in communist China for many years with his wife Barbara?

G.H.W. Bush and Barbara in China ..

George H. W. Bush is best remembered in China for his time in Beijing as the US’ unofficial ambassador to the country in the mid-1970s. It was an experience that would go on to influence his foreign policy decision making, and help steer US-China relations through several tumultuous decades.

But by the time he left in 1975 to take up the role of CIA director under the Ford administration, Bush had developed a special appreciation for and understanding of the Chinese government, Orville Schell, director of the Asia’s Society’s Center on US-China relation.

In 1974, President Gerald Ford appointed him as the Chief of the Liaison Office to the People’s Republic of China, and in 1976 Bush became the Director of Central Intelligence. Bush ran for president in 1980, but was defeated in the Republican presidential primaries by Ronald Reagan, who then selected Bush as his vice presidential running mate


Bush wanted to starve the world, population control 1970’s..

National Security Study Memorandum
NSSM 200
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
December 10, 1974
