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Georgia’s New Plan To Arrest Welfare Abusers: Local Business and Illegal Aliens Collecting From 100 Million Dollar Programs

As many know, the food stamps program is intended to help low income families afford food. Recently, however, more and more stories are coming to light revealing dishonesty and abuse of the system. It appears that when given the chance, many people tend to trade the food stamps for cash, and end up buying whatever they want. Such action is illegal.

Georgia authorities have discovered this new type of fraud, and 54 people were arrested for opening “grocery stores” that service welfare recipients. According to reports, food stamps were being traded in for cash at the store, for only a percentage of their actual value. 90 people were arrested for using the service to commit fraud.

Although there is currently no indication of legal penalties for committing welfare fraud, the first punishment that occurs for an offender is to lose funding. In that case, the person facing charges will not be able to obtain food stamps for a period of time, and could even be permanently banned for the program.

Once again we see how the welfare system is a complete failure, doing nothing to prevent fraud – and even encouraging it, in this case, and bilking taxpayers for billions every year. This despite Progressive politicians’ claims that we can’t cut a single penny, or families will “starve”. Here in DeKalb County, GA, illegal aliens in luxury SUVs can walk into the WIC (‘Women Infants and Children’) office with expired or even FOREIGN IDs and walk out thousands of dollars in WIC vouchers – and even sell them for cash down the block. Yet let a Republican propose to cut a single penny from WIC and the Liberal Media Complex will label them “anti-family.” It is a disgrace that illegal aliens are milking the welfare system while so many American citizens go without. These WIC officals belong in prison for this outrage, and the House GOP should immediately introduce national legislation to mandate citizenship checks for welfare recipients.

What do you think of welfare abusers?