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Hendershot Generator Plans Revealed:Blueprints FREE ENERGY OVER UNITY Generator Z

Affordable Alternate Electricity Generation using the Hendershot Generator:

“Over-Unity” or “Free-Energy” or “Perpetual Motion” or “Fuelless” Electro-Magnetic Generators like these were first inspired by Nicholas Tesla’s ground breaking work in the field of Earth Magnetics and since then many have been tested since the 1930s.
The Machine taps the Earth’s Magnetic Field and Rotation as its Energy Source to produce unlimited electricity indefinitely as long as the generator is within the Earth’s Magnetic Field.
But despite many instances of scientists across the world having come up with such free-energy motors, the inventions have been suppressed time and again as these are the single largest threat to the petro-dollar based economies who would go bankrupt upon their revelation. Thus, many inventors have been either bought off, threatened into silence, forces to sell away the IP Rights or worse…

For the first time with the power of social media, the blue-prints have been revealed for free and is spreading a green revolution around the world.
It’s the first known source of almost cheap and easily constructed highly portable power generation device.
Please open attached pdf for instructions from Page 22


Please see step by step construction video here

What started with a close group of engineers and physicists is now being implemented in homes, garages and backyards around the world. The device (produced under $ 100 produces 200 – 300 watts of power enough for a large home or an office floor)
For larger power requirements for factories and large offices, scaling can be easily performed by connecting multiple motors in series.

The Motor can be assembled by any person with an understanding of under graduate physics or an electrical engineer can easily understand and complete the steps in 2 – 3 hours once all the required components are in place.

Size of a large suitcase, it is highly portable and can be taken to remote villages and habitations who may not be able to construct these themselves.

Uses Easily Available Components:
Soldering rod, electric drilling machine, electric coils, capacitors, exposed wires, duct tapes, industrial glue, wooden board, screws, bearings, iron bars, magnetic bars, skewer sticks & pvc insulated copper wires

Feasibility of technology

The Motor can be Any person with an understanding of under graduate physics or an electrical engineer can easily understand and complete the steps in 2 – 3 hours once all the required.

Size of a large suitcase, it is highly portable and can be taken to remote villages and habitations who may not be able to construct these themselves.

Financial feasibility

The device explained in the pdf / video can be easily constructed for instruments available for under $ 100 from any of the local electrical shops.

Impact and sustainability

Once produced, there is almost no wear & tear since there are no moving parts and hence unless it is physically damaged or the near impossible scenario of this planet loosing its magnetic field, this generator will go on and on forever.
With an initial investment of ( approx. ) $ 100 and 2-3 hours of once time, if the electricity for a large home with ACs were $ 50 per month, this can be recovered in 2-3 months ensuring a highly viable RoI.

Other than initial pollution from soldering and drilling, carbon footprint of coils, capacitors, exposed wires, duct tapes, glues, wooden board, screws, transformers, iron bars, magnetic bars, skewer sticks, pvc insulated copper wires, it is pollution free once it becomes operational !






http://www.energeticforum.com/…/12413-…-magnetic- generator.html


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