Here’s the latest news from the People’s Party of Canada.
292 EDAs established
Last week, wetold you we had 260 Electoral District Associations (EDAs) establishedacross the country. This week, the number is up to 292! There are only46 ridings left in the country that still don’t have their People’sParty association.
Tax credit for donations
Many people are asking when will donations to the People’sParty be eligible for a tax credit. This will happen when aby-election is called by the government and we endorse one candidatewho will run under our banner. At that moment, the party willofficially be registered by Elections Canada. For now, we are only“eligible for registration” after having met all the legalrequirements.
Since a by-election in Outremont must be calledbefore the end of January, it is only a matter of weeks before we areofficially registered and can issue tax receipts. A big thank you toall PPC supporters who are donating to the party despite not beingable to claim a tax credit yet!
Leader’s Tour
Our leader Maxime Bernier continued his tour of the countrythis week. After Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, andGatineau, we held a very successful rally in Quebec City lastThursday, with over 350 people in attendance. Mr. Bernier spent thewhole day giving interviews to local print and electronic media. Aswas the case in other cities, there was huge interest for his messagein Quebec City. We are planning visits to other regions of the countryafter the New Year. Visit this page regularly to learn more.
Ifyou understand French, you can watch the whole Quebec City speech here.
And here are some interesting interviews and reports fromlocal media:
- La tournée pancanadienne de Maxime Bernier
- Radio Pirate : 60 minutes avec Maxime Bernier
- Maxime Bernier LIVE en studio : On est la VRAIE ALTERNATIVE DE DROITE au Canada!
- Rien pour le 3e lien et le tramway, prône Maxime Bernier
Sign the petition against the Global Compact on
As you know, Mr. Bernier was the first
politician in Ottawa who publicly opposed the Global Compact on
Migration, a dangerous UN agreement whose aim is to normalize and
facilitate mass migrations. Canada’s Immigration minister Ahmed Hussen
is in Marrakech to sign it this week.
We may not be able to
prevent this signature, but we can at least show the government that
there is strong opposition to it in Canada. And send the message that
the People’s Party will continue to fight against it!
Join over
50,000 other Canadians who signed the petition sponsored by our leader against the
Global Compact on Migration.
Spread the
Forward this PPC newsletter to your friends,
colleagues and family members, John, and invite them to sign up on our
website ( to receive
Let’s continue to work for Freedom, Responsibility,
Fairness and Respect!
Thank you for your
The PPC Team
Maxime Bernier, Independent MP, Beauce.
To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: 290,
St-Joseph Blvd, room 205, Gatineau, Quebec, J8Y 3Y3. The cheque must
be made payable to Christian Roy, Official Agent. To make an online
donation, please visit our website:
Thank you!
PLEASE NOTE: No tax receipt can be issued for donations until the
party is officially registered by Elections Canada.