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Hospital Nurse Here; Something has changed with the “Covid” crap | Did they release a second wave? Is it a bad flu season that appears to look like what they are calling “COVID”, or is this something else completely that has no name yet.

VIA: GeorgeSumner’sAcorn @GLP

Hospital Nurse Here; Something has changed with the “Covid” crap

I have been working on the frontlines in acute medicine in a large northeastern hospital. When this all started I was sure it was some kind of overblown hoax or a bioweapon that didn’t turn out to be as bad as what they were trying to make us believe.

My hospital was empty despite TV news telling us that hospitals are overflowing and we all need to be in masks. I have known all along the whole thing is not what they are telling us; and have always suspected that our regular flu, respiratory failure (ARDS) patients etc are being labelled as COVID thanks to these faulty, manipulated tests. Aspiration pneumonia is common in the elderly and lots of these patients were labelled as “COVID”. That is a fact.

My conclusion was always that this is an election year deep state psy op to destroy the economy, mandate vaccines and all that NWO stuff. Clearly there has been no *real* pandemic in the way that the media portrays.

I still believe all that , but something has changed in the last two weeks. Actually, about a month ago, resources were drastically cut without us being told anything other than the usual lies and BS from management. THEN…..we are suddenly being hit hard with patients in their 30’s through 50s with *COVID* and these people are extremely ill and it is different than what we have been seeing all along with alleged “COVID” victims. They are throwing clots everywhere and that is what kills them.

Did they release a second wave? Is it a bad flu season that appears to look like what they are calling “COVID”, or is this something else completely that has no name yet. Something COMPLETELY fucky is up. Resources and supplies were disappearing before we started getting slammed with the latest batch of “COVID”.

The hospitals in this area are on their knees, staffing and resources are vanishing in conjunction with additional patients who are very ill. Too few beds, staff, equipment. Support staff and departments for nurses and doctors are being scaled back. Back in the spring and summer, nothing was happening. The ER looks like a third world zoo and the staff cannot cope. If I have to give you emergency IV meds I have to fight to get a damn IV pump and other equipment needed. We are not being stocked. It’s like the budget for supplies is gone. On top of this our regular medical patients with COPD, CHF, Kidney failure are coming in sicker and sicker because the community care they need to manage their chronic illnesses is collapsing.

I have been in healthcare 20 years and never have seen things this bad. I have no idea what is happening. I can only tell you what I am seeing and it is giving me a bad feeling. Hospital administration is NEVER honest with nurses and doctors and is refusing to talk to us and answer questions or hear our concerns as per usual. Any requests for help or whistleblowing on unsafe patient conditions within the hospital gets labelled as “bad attitude”.