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If you’d like to learn about the occult roots of the mind control programs in America

If you’d like to learn about the occult roots of the mind control programs in America like MKUltra, and how they used psychological warfare tactics and technologies to brainwash you with entertainment and advertising, you must watch this documentary called “Minds of Men”.

It came out 1 year before the COVID insanity started in Dec of 2018, and I think if everyone saw this epic work before that happened, the psyop would have been too obvious and unsuccessful. Nearly every tactic used during COVID, is detailed in this documentary in some way.

It’s just over 3.5 hours and quite long, but well worth the watch. It’s incredibly thorough and well researched. No other documentary on this subject comes remotely close to what Aaron and Melissa put together. It’s incredible and really important to learn about if you want help escaping the inverted death cult trying to capture your mind and soul by any means necessary.