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In Islamised UK town diversity has completely disappeared as almost all inhabitants are Muslim


Only 48 of the 4,033 people living in Savile Town are white, native British and there’s barely any diversity left in the town as most other residents or from Pakistan or India.

Source: In Islamised UK town diversity has completely disappeared as almost all inhabitants are Muslim


Only 48 of the 4,033 people living in Savile Town are white, native British and there’s barely any diversity left in the town as most other residents or from Pakistan or India.

In a documentary style article, the Daily Mail calls Savile Town “one of the most racially homogeneous parts of Britain” as most people have the same culture and are Muslim.


This is not a coincidence as in most places Muslims prefer to live with people from the same cultural backgrounds.

A lot of migrants came to Savile Town to do the low paid jobs in the woollen mills. After a while they opened their own shops for Islamic garment and prayer mats.

Soon pubs were closed and other Western shops with groceries had to close as well. In the meantime a mosque was built for around 4,000 worshippers and the image of the streets changed forever.

“Many Muslim women who live here, speak little or no English… The wives have restricted lives: bringing up children, cooking for families, or going to women-only events at the huge local mosque.

“Many, I imagine, have been brought to the UK to wed the British men of south Asian heritage who have made this area their home, The Daily Mail writes.

According to the newspaper even the lady who sells ice creams in summer wears a burka in Savile Town and young girls are forced to wear Islamic garments, as well.

“Distressingly, every girl I saw — even those of six and seven playing in the park — was wrapped up in a hijab and shoulder-to-toe-gown lest a man glimpse her flesh,” the Daily Mail reporter says.

The development of the town gives a preview on the future: Islam doesn’t bring diversity, it brings a homogeneous society, a society exclusively for Muslims.