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In Other News… “Pro-BDS Tlaib Plans to Lead Congressional Delegation to West Bank”

In Other News…

Rashida Tlaib plans to lead a delegation to the West Bank to combat what she complains is too much of a pro-Israel slant in Washington.

Source: Pro-BDS Tlaib Plans to Lead Congressional Delegation to West Bank


An incoming Democratic congresswoman has plans to lead a delegation to the West Bank to combat what she complains is too much of a pro-Israel slant in Washington.

Representative-elect Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), the first Palestinian-American elected to Congress after running unopposed in the general election, told the left-wing website The Intercept she wants to provide an alternative to a viewpoint of the conflict provided to new lawmakers by the lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

“I want us to see that segregation and how that has really harmed us being able to achieve real peace in that region,” Tlaib said. “I don’t think AIPAC provides a real, fair lens into this issue. It’s one-sided. … [They] have these lavish trips to Israel, but they don’t show the side that I know is real, which is what’s happening to my grandmother and what’s happening to my family there.”

Tlaib compared the Israeli presence in the West Bank to the Jim Crow era in the United States. She didn’t know which members would join her on the trip—no newly elected members would comment publicly to The Intercept that they were going—and she has no plans to meet with Israeli officials or members of the Palestinian Authority.

Tlaib and Representative-elect Ilham Omar (D., Minn.), once in office, will be the only two members of the House to publicly support the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which has been condemned by the Anti-Defamation League as one of the most deceitful global efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state. More at Source