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It is a pleasure to know the lengths that pinterest will go to in their feigned morality and over reaching virtual signalling

It is a pleasure to know the lengths that pinterest will go to in their feigned morality and over reaching virtual signalling

So our Pinterest issue is resolved…

We just emailed them this reply:

“It is a pleasure to know the lengths that pinterest will go to in their feigned morality and over reaching virtual signalling. It’s our pleasure to continue to be a bastion of information and free speech. Our thoughts and prayers go out to users of your platform whom you rob of knowledge. We trust they will come to know the truth and discover the community and standards you offer are not those of a free and just society. For those who are weak of mind and have been led to believe they need you to act as their thought police we pray they would be set free from that deception as well.

With regards.

Admin @ TWT”

The above was in response to this:

“Hi, (TheWatchTowers.org)

We permanently took down your account because many of your Pins went against our Community Guidelines.

We don’t allow hate speech or misinformation that promotes fear, hate and prejudice on Pinterest. This includes serious attacks on people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition. Also, we don’t allow targeting people based on their age, weight, immigration or veteran status.

Because many of your Pins weren’t appropriate for our community, we won’t be able to reactivate your account.”

Note it was late term abortions / heartbeat abortion bill and Transgender Abortion articles.[/b] It was these pins that broke the proverbial camels back and quite frankly I am happy it was due to the truth being championed rather than some other petty ideological issue.

Woman Calls Clinics About Late-Term Abortion On Healthy Baby | Human Defense

WATCH – Democrat Stacey Abrams says that Georgia’s new “fetal heartbeat” bill — which protects unborn babies by banning abortion when a heartbeat is detected — is “abominable” and “evil”

HIDDEN CAM: ‘Pregnant’ Transgender at Planned Parenthood! | Louder With Crowder

I am pissed off but I am proud of us at the same time.

Thanks for listening to my rant.