Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins “To my compatriots Alex, Milo, Laura, Paul. Louis too. Facebook is not the arbiter of truth. It should trust its users.”
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Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins “To my compatriots Alex, Milo, Laura, Paul. Louis too. Facebook is not the arbiter of truth. It should trust its users.”
IRLI reveals deal with anti-borders lawyers despite prohibition by federal lawWASHINGTON – An investigation by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has Source: Obama Administration Awarded Contracts Worth Over $310 Million for Legal Representation of Unaccompanied Alien Minors | IRLI – Home IRLI reveals deal with anti-borders lawyers despite prohibition by federal law WASHINGTON […]
Trump confidant found guilty on all 7 counts now concerned for his life. Source: Roger Stone Fears He’s Going to be ‘Epsteined’ in Jail – Summit News After being convicted on all 7 counts in his federal trial, Roger Stone now fears he will be ‘Epsteined’ in jail. The former Trump confidant was found guilty […]