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Russian arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey is presenting the results of its probe into the alleged missile launch that may have downed the MH17 Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, July 17, 2014.
A Mount Everest climber shared footage of deadly avalanche descending on Base Camp, killing and maiming dozens of alpinists and Sherpas. The one behind the camera does not realize till the very last moment the true danger of what’s happening. The video lasting 46 seconds was made with an iPhone immediately after the first and […]
This is one instance where you might wanna just say “no.” Remember the horror of the Miami cannibal attack which was later potentially attributed to designer drug bath salts? Apparently a new cheap, easily available, synthetic drug is making its way around Florida, and while there are no reports of cannibalism (yet), if one came in […]
Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder . . . biologically impossible’ The former psychiatrist in chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital is pouring rain on the Bruce Jenner “Call Me Caitlyn” parade that’s sure to have the former Olympic athlete’s cheerleaders steaming. Not only does Dr. Paul R. McHugh consider […]