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Mexican president announces “Mexico will work to strengthen the wall at the US boarder”

If Mexico loses its ties to the United States and the tourist money, it would not take long for Mexico to become the next Greece.

Nieto can posture all he wants, but he knows that, ultimately, it will not be U.S. money that pays for that wall. It may take a few years, but the money We the People front for this project will eventually be paid back in pesos and probably with a LOT of interest!

Instead of arguing about it, Nieto would be much better served to work with Trump on the project and get this relationship started off on the right foot. Otherwise, he is in for a long four, possibly eight years.

Ultimately, the wall will be built, so it is a matter of Nieto saving some face and Trump playing along. However, I would caution the Mexican president from pushing his bogus stance about the wall because we all know what happens when Trump gets pissed off at someone! Just go ask Hillary how that works out!

Here is more: [link to www.elfinanciero.com.mx]

Google translate

The dissonance of the speeches is remarkable, without being heard in the Mexican part the sonority of Trump. President Peña Nieto had the opportunity to respond during the closing speech of the annual meeting of Mexican ambassadors and consuls, where he reiterated that Mexico will not pay for the wall, but did not elaborate how it will prevent the new White House leader from imposing a Border tax Common places and principled positions of a foreign policy, that lost that force when it decided to be part of the North American alliance, was the answer of Peña Nieto to the shouts with clear actions that raised the American hours before. Faced with threats from Trump to companies investing in Mexico, through the threat of special taxes, which will go from 12 to 35 percent, Peña Nieto said that investments will be defended without leaving the terrain of ambiguity.

The realization is sinking in. The wall is going up and Mexico will be paying for it!


Peña Nieto warned that “at no time will we accept anything that goes against our dignity as a country, and our dignity as Mexicans,” Australia’s News.com reported.

Losing trade deals and $25 billion a year sounds fairly undignified. Mexico has some tough decisions to make. No doubt Trump will accept their eventual capitulation with grace and, yes, dignity.

Between remittances, guns and drug money, Mexico benefits handsomely from lax borders. If the border situation weren’t so profitable, they’d have been more cooperative while they had the chance.

Clearly, Mexico realizes that Trump has leverage on many fronts. They may be realizing that paying for the wall might be the least expensive way to go for them.