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Military K9 handler’s Facebook account suspended after he tells of encounter with Hillary

Hillary Clinton Movie – Banned From Theaters!Eric Bonner, a military K9 handler who served in Turkey, posted a story about Hillary Clinton on Facebook that quickly went viral.

Bonner wrote that he’s “not voting for Clinton,” and relayed an experience with the former Secretary of State that led to his decision.

First, he spoke of an encounter working security detail for President George W. Bush:

GW looked at me, said “Man, who’d you piss off” high fived me, and continued on … It was pretty sweet.

Then, an encounter working detail with President Obama:

Obama, as he was walking out to his plane in Turkey, said “What the hell kind of dog is that?!” In reference to Suli.

But it was his encounter with Hillary that left an indelible mark that would lead Bonner to say #NeverHillary:

One of my Last details was for Hillary when she was Secretary of State. She was in Turkey for whatever reason. I helped with sweeps of her DV Quarters and staff vehicles. Her words to me? “Get that F**king dog away from me.” Then she turns to her Security Detail and berates them up and down about why that animal was in her quarters. For the next 20 minutes while I sit there waiting to be released she lays into her detail, slamming the door in their faces when she’s done. The Detail lead walks over apologizes and releases me. I apologize to him for getting him in trouble. His words “Happens every day, Brother.”

Bonner concluded, “Hillary doesn’t care about anyone but Hillary.”

As of this posting, Bonner’s story has been shared well over 200,000 times on Facebook.

Which naturally led to his account being suspended temporarily by Facebook, who is seemingly in the business of trying to censor all things anti-Hillary.

Bonner said the next morning after his post started making the rounds, he woke up “to find my account had been suspended.”

Facebook needed to verify his identity and suspended his account until he could do so. Bonner declared, “The timing of it was interesting.”

As for those doubting the accuracy of Bonner’s claims, Snopes has done an excellent job of pointing out facts that make the incident, at the very least, plausible.

Bonner and Suli were indeed on duty in Turkey in 2009 as evidenced by an article regarding a surgical procedure performed on his K9.

Additionally, State Department records indicate Clinton did make a trip to Turkey to meet with that country’s foreign minister a few months earlier.

Honestly, does anyone doubt a story involving Hillary berating her military security detail and telling them to “get that F**king dog away from me?”

We didn’t think so.

Cross-posted at the Mental Recession