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More than 50+ Anti Clinton Activists Found Dead Under ‘Mysterious’ Circumstances ~ Coincidence? You decide

Many of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ‘friends’ mysteriously die in planes, jump off of buildings, and die from heart attacks…


Credit: radaronline.com

How many people do you personally know that have been murdered? For most, that number is below 1 or 2. The Clintons, however, know dozens – if not hundreds – of individuals who have somehow met untimely – and suspicious – deaths.

From Seth Rich – who is believed to be the DNC staffer who leaked 20,000+ incriminating emails – to former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe, following are 50+ anti-Clinton activists who have ALL been found dead under ‘mysterious’ circumstances. Note: TrueActivist will continue to update this list as information is unearthed.

John Jones – August 15, 2016

Credit: forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Credit: forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Approximately a month after Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, released a batch of incriminating Hillary Clinton emails, his reputable lawyer, John Jones, was found dead. Though authorities were quick to rule the lawyer’s death a suicide, WikiLeaks has countered that claim, stating it was foul play.

Jones was a top human rights lawyer who worked on the same team as Amal Clooney, wife of George Clooney. His specialty was extradition, war crimes, and counter-terrorism. Many of the cases he took concerned former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Lebanon and Cambodia.

Sean Lucas – Aug. 2, 2016

Credit: thefederalistpapers.org

Credit: thefederalistpapers.org

Attorney Shawn Lucas, 38, was responsible for helping to serve the DNC with a lawsuit claiming then-DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz “rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton.” As WND points out, the complaint was served before Schultz resigned amid the Wikileaks email scandal.

Less than a month after he served the lawsuit, however, Lucas was found murdered in the bathroom by his girlfriend. According to Beverly Ann Fields, chief of staff at the Washington, D.C., Medical Examiner’s office, “The cause and manner of death for decedent [Shawn] Lucas are still pending.”

Victor Thorn – Aug. 1, 2016

Credit: smoloko.com

Credit: smoloko.com

You might know Thorn from his books about the Clintons: “Hillary (and Bill): The Sex Volume,” Hillary (and Bill): The Drugs Volume,” “Hillary (and Bill): The Murder Volume” and “Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House.”

Undoubtedly, he was not loved by Clintons. Is this why he was found dead with a gun on his 54th birdie on a mountaintop in Pennsylvania? It was ruled a suicide, but this is questionable, considering Thorn made several appearances on “The Russell Scott Show” and declared in public that he would never commit suicide. He told the host, “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”

Joe Montano – July 25, 2016


Credit: pinterest.com

Montano once served as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, before Debbie Wasserman Schultz took over (and later resigned). After he stepped down from that position, he aided Hillary’s running mate, Tim Kaine, before reportedly dying of a heart attack at age 47. This was shortly after the Wikileaks DNC email dump.

Seth Rich – July 10, 2016

Credit: heatst.com

Credit: heatst.com

The murder of Seth Rich has brought a number of anti-Clinton allegations back into the spotlight. According to talk-radio star Rush Limbaugh, the issue of the “Clinton body count” isn’t new, but it’s only coming back into the spotlight, mainly due to Rich’s death.

“I swear, I could swear I saw these stories back in 1992, back in 1993, 1994,” Limbaugh said.

At 4:15 a.m. on July 10th, Rich was murdered in his affluent neighborhood in Washington, D.C., while he walked home from his girlfriend’s apartment. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared to suggest that Rich, 27, was murdered because he was the source of the WikiLeaks-exposed DNC emails.

Assange said on TV:

“Our whistleblowers go to significant efforts to give us material, at often very significant risks. There was a 27 year old, works for the DNC, who was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons other than that he was walking down the street in Washington.”

Assange never outright said Rich was the source of the DNC email scandal, but offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the young man’s killer.

Said Assange:

“As a matter of policy, we do not confirm or deny whether any person has ever been a source for WikiLeaks. After the [late hacktivist] Aaron Swartz case, we formalized this policy to also cover alleged sources who were deceased.”

“We treat threats toward any suspected source of WikiLeaks with extreme gravity. This should not be taken to imply that Seth Rich was a source to WikiLeaks or to imply that his murder is connected to our publications. We hope our efforts will contribute to the family’s calls for information and to the separate reward issued by the police. We have a history of obtaining information that has significantly contributed to many legal proceedings, including successful prosecutions.”

According to spokeswoman Alice Kim of the Metropolitan Police Department, “There are no new updates at this time” concerning Rich’s murder.

John Ashe – June 22, 2016

Credit: HuffingtonPost

Credit: HuffingtonPost

The former United Nations General Assembly President was found dead in his New York home, reportedly having suffered from a heart attack. What most media sources left out, however, was the fact that “his throat had been crushed, presumably by a bar bell he dropped while pumping iron,” according to local Dobbs Ferry police.

The report by Richard Johnson read:

“The death by barbell of disgraced U.N. official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for conspiracy theorists than Vince Foster’s 1993 suicide.” 

And certainly, that seems to be the case. Ashe was scheduled to testify with Chinese businessman and co-defendant Ng Lap Seng – who was accused of smuggling $4.5 million into the U.S. and lying about its purpose – within days. The New York Post reported that Ng was earlier identified in a 1998 Senate document “as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.”

A source told Johnson that during the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. Reportedly, it would have been very embarrassing, which is why “his death was conveniently timed.”

“Could this be Hillary Clinton silencing people who ‘know too much?’” questioned Kosar in the Political Insider. “We know there are at least 46 people from Clinton world who have died under mysterious circumstances. While some are certainly a coincidence, it is very clear that being deeply connected to the Clinton political world can be hazardous to your health.

“In this case, no definite evidence exists that it was murder and Ashe’s own lawyer disagrees with the theory. However, with Hillary Clinton’s track record, it’s definitely worth further investigation.”

According to The Post, the former head of the U.N. General Assembly was also facing criminal charges in a federal bribery case.

Berta Caceres – March 3, 2016

Credit: bertacaceres.org

Credit: bertacaceres.org

Caceres was a human rights activist from Honduras who was murdered in her home in La Esperanza. Reportedly, she had named Hillary Clinton as responsible for the Honduran coup which toppled democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup, Honduras has become one of the most violent places in the world. As WhatReallyHappenedpoints out, growing awareness of Hillary’s role in Honduras became a serious liability during her 2016 campaign.

Michael Hastings – June 18, 2013

Credit: usnews.com

Credit: usnews.com

The journalist for Rolling Stone magazine died in a highly suspicious, single-car accident. Apparently, he had told friends that he was afraid for his life following stories he had written which were critical of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. One of the emails leaked during the 2016 Democratic Convention confirmed that Hillary had received Hastings’ damning investigative report of the attack on the Benghazi consulate 5 months before his death.

Gareth Williams – Aug. 16, 2010

Credit: Mirror.co.uk

Credit: Mirror.co.uk

The transatlantic MI6 spy was found dead – naked, padlocked, and stuffed in a 32-inch x 19-inch duffel bag – in his London bathtub. Williams has been credited with illegal hacking secret data on Bill Clinton, according to the U.K. Sun. It is noted that “[H]is death is still one of Britain’s most mysterious unsolved cases.”

Officials deem his death to be a suicide, but there were no palm prints on the edge of his bathtub, and his DNA was not found on the lock. Additionally, all messages left by Williams on the voicemails of his friends and family were deleted in the days following his death.

It is believed that a rival agent may have broken into the flat to destroy or remove evidence. There were no signs of forced entry into the apartment, according to The Sun.

The news source reported:

“In 2012, lawyers for his family said he could have been killed by someone who specialized in the ‘dark arts of the secret services. The police did not rule out his intelligence work playing a part in his death. They thought he may have been stuffed in the bag by killers who later broke back in to cover their tracks. Investigators also suspect the flat had been ‘steam-cleaned,’ which would explain why no DNA evidence was found.”

Charles Ruff – Nov. 20, 2000

Credit: CBSNews.com

Credit: CBSNews.com

The influential Washington, D.C., lawyer reportedly died “after an accident at his Washington home.” One report said he was found unconscious outside his shower. Other reports indicated he had a heart attack.

Ruff, 61, had defended Clinton during his Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial.

The London Guardian reported:

Ruff’s initial involvement with the Clinton White House came from defending one of Hillary Clinton’s principal assistants, Ira Magaziner, who helped to prepare her ill-fated healthcare plan. Magaziner was accused of perjury, but in a complex presentation to the US attorney’s office in Washington, Ruff managed to shift the blame to some unspecified White House officials and Magaziner was never charged.

It was against this background that Ruff became President Clinton’s fifth White House counsel within four years. As the ripples of the Whitewater affair widened and allegations about the president’s sexual behaviour proliferated, insiders joked that Clinton needed a lawyer smart enough to do the job and dumb enough to take it. Ruff defended his recruitment with the comment: “When the president of the United States asks you to do something, you don’t say, ‘Let me think about it.’ You say, ‘How can I help you, Mr President?’”

Carlos Ghigliotti – April 28, 2000

Credit: blacklistednews.com

Credit: blacklistednews.com

Ghigliotti was a key figure in the Waco congressional investigation. On April 18th, his body was found badly decomposed in his home outside Washington, D.C. There was no evidence of forced entry into his home, but his body was found sitting at his desk in Laurel, Maryland.

The 42-year-old activist was a respected expert in the field of thermal imaging. Reportedly, he had been retained by the House Government Reform Committee to analyze surveillance film footage taken by means of Forward-Looking Infrared (or FLIR) during the siege and final inferno of Mt. Carmel, the Branch Davidians complex near Waco, Texas.

The film, captured by an FBI aircraft circling two miles above the site, was critical to the case. Debate had raged for years about claims that on April 19,1993, government agents fired automatic weapons upon Davidians trying to escape as flames swallowed their homes. In result, seventeen children and 62 adults were killed.

It is relayed the Ghigliotti had uncovered additional evidence contradicting government protests of innocence, which is why, many believe, he was murdered. Ghigliotti’s friend, attorney David T. Hardy, told WND, “I think he may have known too much. Carlos told me he had discovered things that were much, much worse than anything that had come out yet.”

Tony Moser – June 10, 2000

The anti-corruption journalist was a critic of the Arkansas Democratic Party political machine and was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff. This occurred 10 days after being named a columnist for the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after writing an article, which exposed the looting of programs designed to obtain money from “deadbeat” parents to then give to their children.

Four Marine Pilots – April 8, 2000

Four Marine pilots (names undetermined, but were all Presidential helicopter pilots) all died (with 15 others) in a crash of a V-22 Osprey near Tucson. Witnesses reported the craft burst into flames in mid-air, then crashed.

Charles Wilbourne Miller – Nov. 17, 1998

Credit: findagrave.com

Credit: findagrave.com

Miller, the vice president and board member for Alltel (the company that created the White House’s “Big Brother” computer system) was found dead at his ranch in Little Rock, Arkansas. A medical examiner concluded his death was a “suicide” because a .410 gauge shotgun was found near Miller’s body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver discovered in some water. Investigators believe the Ruger was the weapon Miller used to kill himself. However, why had two rounds in the handgun already been spent? It doesn’t make sense that a suicide victim used two bullets to kill himself.

Alltel was the successor to Jackson Stephens’ Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House’s “Big Brother” database behind the Clinton administration’s plan to develop the secret computer “Clipper” chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America. There was at least one other high-profile “suicide” among the inner circle involved with the project – Vince Foster (more details below).

Daniel Dutko – July 27, 1999

The 54-year-old co-chairman of the Democratic National Committee fundraising effort, Leadership 2000, reportedly died from head injuries in a mountain biking accident in Aspen. According to authorities, he was not wearing a helmet and hit his head on the pavement twice.

His death is curious because he was in Aspen to attend a fundraiser attended by President Clinton. Sources relay that in 1995, Dutko had been vice chairman of finance for the Clinton-Gore campaign. Dutko had also served as vice chairman of finance for the DNC in 1996, when thousands of dollars were reportedly funneled from a Chinese military officer to Bill’s re-election campaign. That same year, the Clinton administration also reversed a State Department policy that categorized satellites as “munitions,” making it easier for China to launch American satellites and even acquire sensitive technology.

Lt. Gen. David J. McCloud – July 26, 1998


Credit: WND

During a portion of Clinton’s presidency (from May 1996 to December 1997), General McCloud served as the director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Force Structure, Resources and Assessment Directorate, or J-8, from May 1996 to December 1997. Later, he became the commander of Alaskan Command and 11th Air Force.

While piloting his personal YAK-54, a Russian-built, single-engine acrobatic aircraft, McCloud was killed in a crash. The cause of the tragedy is unknown.

A few unsubstantiated – though curious – claims have been published on blogs. It is believed that McCloud was part of a group of 24 flag officers that sought to arrest Clinton for treason under the Uniform Code of Military Justice while he was president.

Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – March 29, 1998

The mechanic was killed in a mysterious car accident shortly after discovering a large check from Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan made out to Bill Clinton. It was found in a car in his repair shop.

Ron Miller – Oct. 12, 1997

From WND:

Few people know this, but Hillary Clinton, former White House Chief of Staff Thomas F. “Mac” McLarty III, the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown (see “Ron Brown” entry) and a convicted Clinton fundraiser were linked by witnesses to a scandal involving massive overcharges in natural gas prices, money laundering and more.

A former business partner of Brown, Nolanda Butler Hill, testified in an Oklahoma state regulatory, hearing that Clinton, Brown, and McLarty were heavily involved in a scam designed to bilk consumers out of $35 million to $65 million in overcharges. At least one supplier, Dynamic Energy Resources, was suspected to be charging more than market prices.

Dynamic Energy Resources was started by Nora and Gene Kung Ho Lum, who had no prior experience in the oil and gas business. But they were politically connected. The Lums, associates of John Huang and James Riady, would later be sentenced to prison and fined for illegal campaign contributions to President Clinton as well as tax evasion.

To get their feet wet in the gas business, however, the Lums called on Stuart Price, a Democrat congressional candidate for Oklahoma’s first district and himself a Clinton fundraiser. Price, too, was well connected. His wife’s uncle was Sen. George Mitchell, then majority leader of the U.S. Senate. But to cover all the bases, the Lums also cut in Michael Brown, son of the Democratic National Committee president and later Commerce secretary, for 5 percent of the deal.

Helen Yee was placed on the board. Her daughter, Melinda Yee, was Ron Brown’s personal assistant at Commerce.  The younger Yee had handled arrangements for foreign trade missions, involving Democratic Party contributors. Yee had also worked for the Lums during the 1992 presidential campaign. The Lums’ daughter, Trisha, had worked for Ron Brown at Commerce.

“In other words,” as WND CEO and Editor Joseph Farah explained in 2001, “This was a real inside job. It wasn’t so much a matter of what you knew at Dynamic Energy Resources, but who you knew.”

On Oct. 2, 1992, Commissioner Bob Anthony announced that he had been assisting the FBI in uncovering corruption inside the regulatory agency. ARKLA (Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co.) lobbyists William Anderson and Commissioner Bob Hopkins were later convicted in a bribery case. There were allegations against other utility executives, but the Clinton Justice Department reportedly passed on prosecution. Anthony said he received covert payments from top executives at ARKLA when it had multimillion-dollar rate cases before the commission. The chairman of ARKLA was none other than Mac McLarty. And that’s where Hill’s January testimony comes in.

“I learned several years ago, through my association with the late Ronald H. Brown, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and secretary of Commerce, about the involvement of a highly placed Clinton administration official, Mac McLarty, in what became an egregious financial transaction centered around the supplying of gas to ONG,” she said.

Hill recalled a spring 1993 meeting with Brown and first lady Hillary Clinton, in which she “acknowledged his efforts toward resolution of Mac McLarty’s problem in Oklahoma.” Hill said she warned Brown off any involvement. But Brown told her “It was critically important for him to help Mr. McLarty in any way he could, as he, Secretary Brown, remained an outsider as regarded what he called the ‘Arkansas Mafia.’”

Brown later died in a plane crash in Croatia. A cylindrical hole in his head, the size of a .45-caliber round, was never explained. No autopsy was performed. (See “Ron Brown” listing below)

Ron Miller, a principal in GAGE Corp., another utility, began cooperating with the FBI shortly after Anthony announced his role with the agency, vowing, according to sources, to “vigorously pursue those who directed the conduct of Mr. Anderson.” After selling his company, Miller also helped news reporters and other government authorities – including investigators with the Government Reform and Oversight Committee – to nail the Lums.

Miller turned over to the FBI on Aug. 5, 1997, 165 tape-recordings of conversations he had with the Lums and their associates. He was interviewed by the congressional committee staff Aug. 12. On Sept. 2, the committee subpoenaed documents from Miller concerning Brown, the Lums and Dynamic Energy Resources.

Three days later, the committee deposed McLarty. He denied knowing the Lums, and questions about ARKLA and its convicted lobbyists were largely diverted by his attorneys. Seven days later, PBS “Frontline” broadcast interviews with Miller and Anthony. The congressional committee was set to begin formal proceedings Oct. 8.

But on Oct. 3, Miller, 58, was admitted to the hospital with an unknown illness. He died nine days later. The cause of Miller’s death is still unknown.

Before his death, Miller told a few people he feared for his life. In a police report in January 1997, he identified Don Sweatman as the man who told him: “You hadn’t been shot at yet.” And who was Sweatman? He was associated with the Lums, often dropped Ron Brown’s name and, according to others, sometimes identified himself as “Bill Clinton’s personal representative.”

Don Adams – January 7, 1997

Don Adams was a lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings. The successor attorney for Don left for parts unknown, about a year after Don was killed.

Mary Caitrin Mahoney – July 6, 1997


Credit: littledixiedynamite.wordpress.com

Until 1995, Mahoney was a former White House intern. Then suddenly, she became night manager of Starbucks and became friends with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, who frequented the cafe.

The Starbucks employee was killed during a shooting that was described as a robbery. This is suspicious, considering nothing was taken from the crime scene. After a 54-hour interrogation, Carl Derek Havord Cooper pled guilty to killing Mahoney, along with her co-workers Emory Allen Evans and Aaron David Goodrich. Apparently, he went to Starbucks to rob the store after it had closed. Upon finding Mahoney, Evans, and Goodrich, he ordered them to the back of the store.

Cooper claimed Mahoney attempted to grab his gun, which is why he shot her (five times) and the other two employees. He says he made the escape because he feared the noise of the gunfire would alert authorities. Though he later recanted confessing, he was found guilty.

The key to the safe, which held $10,000, was in Mahoney’s hand and wasn’t touched. In addition, no one in the area reported hearing gunfire, despite the fact that the Starbucks’ location was in a densely populated neighborhood. Perhaps the gunman used a silencer?

According to WND, the murders took place during pre-trial media coverage of Paula Jones’ lawsuit against Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. During the trial, Cooper told FBI agents, “I swear on my father’s grave and my son’s life that I didn’t do Starbucks.”

Eric Butera – Dec. 4, 1997

Butera was an informant who had information about the murder of Mary Mahoney (above). Reportedly, he was told to help police with an undercover drug buy, during which he was beaten to death.

James McDougal – March 8, 1998


Credit: eznewstube.com

McDougal was a former business partner of the Clintons and is said to have been the “brains behind the Whitewater Development Corp.” He reportedly died of cardiac arrest in a federal prison hospital. James, 58, had been corresponding with independent counsel Kenneth Starr in the Whitewater investigation. His death appeared to reduce the legal risks to President Clinton and Hillary Clinton, and was said to be “a clear setback to Starr and his prosecutors, who huddled in their offices last night after McDougal’s death was announced,” The Baltimore Sun relayed after McDougal died.

The Whitewater investigation began in 1994, with accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Initially, its subject was a failed Arkansas real estate venture, involving the Clintons in the 1980s that was linked to the collapse of Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, a Little Rock savings bank run by McDougal and his wife, Susan. Both went to prison for fraud (James died while serving his sentence), as did former Arkansas Gov. Jim Tucker and municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh.

Apparently, Hale had claimed that Bill Clinton insisted he acquire a fraudulent $300,000 government-backed loan in 1986. When McDougal was convicted in 1996, he told authorities he was willing to testify that Clinton was lying and that Hale was telling the truth.

“I just got sick and tired of lying for the fellow,” he said in a 1997 TV interview. “Yes, I was trying to protect him.”

He never got the chance, however, which is suspicious, to say the least.

Gordon Matteson – May 15, 1997

Matteson was a Clinton associate who was found shot in the head. Authorities declared it a suicide, but skeptics aren’t so sure.

John Hillyer – Nov. 29, 1996

Hillyer was a cameraman for NBC and had been working on an investigation of a drug-smuggling operation in Mena, Arkansas. This took place around the same time Clinton was governor. Hillyer is also credited with helping create a 30-minute video called “Circle of Power” and “The Clinton Chronicles.”

It was “The Clinton Chronicles” that seems to have gotten Hillyer murdered. After he began working on the project with Pat Matrisciana in 1990, they started unearthing serious criminality.

Says Pat:

“It was like going into some sort of banana republic that was run by a dictatorship. We were followed on a regular basis.”

Matrisciana set up a “safe house” in an apartment complex in Little Rock where he and other journalists and investigators would meet to discuss stories of drug trafficking in Mena, the murder of two teenage boys there and whether or not Bill Clinton was involved in any of those activities.

Hillyer and Matrisciana soon became friends with Gary Parks, the son of Jerry Luther Parks, a former security chief of Clinton’s presidential campaign (See “Jerry Luther Parks” entry). It is relayed that Parks had been hired several years prior by Vince Foster on behalf of Hillary Clinton to put Bill Clinton under constant surveillance. Gary would go on stakeouts with his father as Jerry gathered photographic evidence of Clinton visiting with prostitutes, Gennifer Flowers, and other young women.

When Vince Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy Park (see “Vince Foster” entry), Jerry became paranoid that he might also be targeted for murder. He was right. When Jerry was assassinated in his car in September 1993, Gary and Jerry’s widow believed it was related to his surveillance of Clinton.

Gary Parks regularly stayed at the safe house, but was awakened one night when the door was kicked open by would-be assassins. When he quickly loaded his M-1 carbine, the sound of the bullet being chambered scared off the killers and they fled into the parking lot. Gary went to the window and thought he recognized one of the men as a member of the Gov. Clinton’s security staff.

On another occasion, when Matrisciana and others were preparing for a radio talk show at the safe house, an investigator scanned the apartment for “bugs” and discovered eight of them.

During the course of their investigation, Matrisciana and Hillyer discovered a trail of unsolved murders of people who knew details about the teens’ deaths. Others who died mysteriously had inside information on drug ties to the political establishment in Arkansas. On one occasion, Hillyer was planning to conduct an interview with a former official of the Democratic National Committee, but the man never showed up for the interview. Hillyer learned the next day that the man, C. Victor Raiser II, and his son, Montgomery Raiser, had died in a plane crash. (See “C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser” entry.)

Matrisciana and Hillyer were also going to interview a hermit who lived in the mountains near where the teens had been killed. Two days before the scheduled interview, the hermit died.

Hillyer started to fear for his own life, telling Matrisciana that he thought they would kill him by making it look like he had a heart attack. After the film was completed, Hillyer went on to other projects and ended up living in Atlanta. In 1996, Matrisciana received a phone call from Hillyer. John told him he had uncovered new information that needed to be put on video, but that they couldn’t talk on an unsecured phone. They planned on meeting to discuss the new information, but Hillyer died of a heart attack three days later.

Did someone get to Hillyer? Matrisciana doesn’t know. Were the hermit and DNC official killed for what they knew? Or were these simply coincidences? Again, Matriciana said he doesn’t know, but he did think the deaths were unusual, considering the number of other people who have died under mysterious circumstances in Arkansas.

Barbara Wise – Nov. 29, 1996 

Wise, 48, was a 14-year Commerce Department staff member. She worked with Ron Brown (see “Ron Brown” entry below) and John Huang. Huang, who was born in China, was also a former executive of the Lippo Group in Indonesia. Reportedly, he met with Clinton at the White House ten times between June 21 and June 27, 1994.

Barbara Wise, 48, was a 14-year Commerce Department staff member who worked with Ron Brown (see “Ron Brown” entry below, killed in a plane crash) and John Huang, who worked at the Worthen Bank in Little Rock, where he met then-Gov. Bill Clinton. Huang, who was born in China, was also a former executive of the Lippo Group in Indonesia. Huang met with Clinton at the White House 10 times between June 21 and June 27, 1994. As WND reported in 2000,

“Right after that, Webster Hubbell … received $100,000 from the Lippo Group. Shortly after the money was given to Mr. Hubbell, Huang obtained a secret clearance and an executive position as assistant secretary of the Commerce Department. While at the Commerce Department, Huang obtained secret materials on trade deals with Indonesia, China, Japan, Korea and the Middle East. Huang also obtained information on U.S. Patriot missile deals with South Korea and mobile artillery for Kuwait.” 

It is reported that after Huang was asked if he was a spy for Beijing, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment nearly 2,000 times.

Though Wise’s body was found partially nude and bruised in her office, her death was ruled to be an effect of natural causes. Reportedly, she had received several blood transfusions for a liver ailment in the past.

Ron Brown – April 3, 1996

Credit: NYDailyNews

Credit: NYDailyNews

After Hillary Clinton dispatched Brown to a war-torn corner of the world, he and 34 others died in a plane crash. Reportedly, the Air Force plane crashed into a Croatian mountainside after departing from the Tuzia airport in Bosnia, a Muslim country where some were hostile to the American presence there.

Investigative writer Jack Cashill wrote:

“To protect his son Michael from prison, Ron Brown threatened to expose the White House’s yet unrevealed Asian fundraising scheme, in which Brown had played a major role. Just weeks before his death, Brown started going to church for the first time in ages. He was scared for his life and that of his confidante, Nolanda Hill.”

It is relayed that the Croatian government suddenly insisted on a stop in Dubrovnik, which was a two-mile deviation from the flight path. Cashill wrote:

“For the first time ever on friendly soil, the White House ordered the Air Force to skip the ‘safety’ phase of the investigation and move directly to the ‘accident’ phase. There would be no consideration other than accident, even though the airport was near the Bosnian border and in a potential hot fire zone.

Three days after the crash and two days before his scheduled interview by the Air Force, the Croatian responsible for the airport’s navigation system was found dead with a bullet hole in his chest. A day later, every pathologist who viewed Brown’s body back in America concluded that his head wound, at the very least, looked like a bullet hole.”

Still, there was no autopsy, no forensic testing, and no search for an exit wound. Head X-rays were destroyed or “lost”.

“The three Armed Forces pathologists and the forensic photographer who blew the whistle on this case had their careers destroyed,” Cashill wrote. “… [T]he Armed Forces Institute of Pathology brass assured the public that Brown dies of ‘multiple blunt force injuries to the head.’ He was the only one of the 35 victims to have a reported head wound.”

Charles Meissner – April 3, 1996

Meissner was the assistant secretary of commerce and had issued John Huang a security clearance. he and Ron Brown were both killed in plane crash (see Ron Brown entry).

Robert Bates – March 29th, 1995

Robert Bates was an aircraft mechanic at men who supposedly died of an “overdose of mouthwash”. His death was regarded by local authorities as an obvious homicide.

Duane Garrett – July 26, 1995

The lawyer and radio host for KGO-AM in San Francisco was the finance chairman for Diane Feinstein’s run for the senate. Additionally, he was a friend of Al Gore’s and helped to raise funds for his campaign. Reportedly, Garrett was under investigation for defrauding investors in his failed sports memorabilia venture. There was also talk of a deal to evade prosecution.

On July 26, 1995, Garrett canceled an afternoon meeting with his lawyer because he had to meet some people at the San Francisco airport. Three hours later, he was found floating in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Caetano Carani – November 11, 1994

Carani witnessed a shooting near the White House, but died from an unknown infection just before he was to testify. His death was attributed to “apparent” food poisoning.

Florence Martin – October 30, 1994

Martin was an accountant subcontracting to the CIA. Apparently, she was involved with the Barry Seal case when she was murdered. Reportedly, she died of three gunshot wounds to the head. She had the account numbers and PIN for a bank account in the Caymans, in the name of Barry Seal which held $1.4 million dollars. Immediately following her death, the money was moved to someplace in the Virgin Islands.

Stanley Huggins – June 23, 1994

Huggins had reportedly been investigating the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan collapse (see “James McDougal” entry). Reportedly, he died of viral pneumonia before his 300 pages of findings could ever be released to the public.

Bill Shelton – June 12, 1994

Shelton was the fiance of Kathy Ferguson, and he was likely killed because he questioned whether Kathy had actually committed suicide. He, too, was said to have committed suicide with a gun at Ferguson’s grave site.

Kathy Ferguson – May 10, 1994

Ferguson was reported to have died from a suicide in which she shot herself in the head. This is curious, because packed bags near her body indicate she was planning to leave her home.

She was the ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, who had been a co-defendant, along with Clinton, in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Danny had escorted Paula Jones to Clinton’s hotel room. Before her untimely death, Kathy was a corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

James Bunch – Feb. 11, 1994

The 46-year-old Texas state employee reportedly ran a prosecution ring from his office, and died from a suicide involving a gun. He was said to have owned a “little black book” of influential people, which included at least one “state legislator” from Texas and Arkansas who visited prostitutes.

WND relays that Bunch’s files contained description so this high-profile clients, their sexual preferences, and the amount of money they were willing to spend. It also was said to note if they would hurt the escorts. The Telegraph reported,

“There [was] a possibility that juveniles were involved in his business. Police told the Associated Press Bunch was arrested and interrogated, but he hadn’t appeared distraught or suicidal.

Considering what many know about Bill Clinton’s past, it is likely he had incriminating information on the former President.

Gandy Baugh – Jan. 8, 1994

The former attorney for Clinton pal and drug convict Dan Lasater reportedly killed himself by leaping from a window of a tall building. It is reported that Lasater was a key figure in the Whitewater controversy and had been convicted of dealing cocaine. He served six months in jail, but Clinton later pardoned him.

Lasater had purchased Angel Fire Resort, a ski resort near Taos, New Mexico, in 1984. He used the resort to promote Clinton’s name. Later, a U.S. Customs investigation revealed the resort to be used for drug operations and money laundering.

Ed Willey – Nov. 29, 1993

Ed’s untimely demise is the focus of his widowed wife’s book, “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.” In it, Kathleen Willey alleges a campaign of slander and intimidation against Hillary Clinton. She pointed a finger of suspicion at the former first couple for the death of her husband, Ed Wiley, who was believed to have committed suicide.

Credit: DailyMail.co.uk

Credit: DailyMail.co.uk

Willey wrote that she had been groped by President Clinton in the White House, and acknowledged in a 2007 interview that she stood by the speculation she posed about her husband’s demise in her book.

It was in the summer of 1997 that Willey became known. Reportedly, lawyers for Clinton accuser Paula Jones gave her name to a national magazine reporter. She was scheduled to become one of only three witnesses in the Clinton impeachment trial until some members of the House and Senate refused to allow her to testify.

In the book, Kathleen recounts a number of incidents in which she believes the Clintons and this individual who worked for them attempted to terrorize her into silence. The latest took place in September, around the time the book was in its final stages.

Over Labor Day weekend, her home became an unusual target for burglary. While sleeping upstairs, a copy of a manuscript for “Target” was stolen. She says the break-in reminded her of the widely reported incident 10 years ago in which she was threatened near her present Richmond-area home by a “Jogger”, just two days before she was to testify against President Clinton in the Jones case.

Whether to not Ed was murdered because of his ties to the Clinton’s, Kathleen is quite certain his involvement with them had something to do with his alleged suicide.

“I’ve seen too much evidence regarding other people who have been involved with the Clintons,” she told WND.

Jerry Luther Parks – Sept. 26, 1993

Credit: billwarnermyblog.wordpress.com

Credit: billwarnermyblog.wordpress.com

Parks was shot through the rear window of his car with a semiautomatic handgun two months after White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster died. He had been the head of security for Bill Clinton’s headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, during the former POTUS’ 1992 campaign and gubernatorial years.

Reportedly, Parks was watching a news bulletin on the death of Foster when he turned from the television and muttered, “I’m a dead man.” At the time, his son, Gary, was in the room. On July 21, 1993, Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, about seven miles from the White House, across the Potomac River in Virginia.

Authorities claimed it was a suicide. Friends and family members, however, suspected differently. For the next two months, Parks was a nervous wreck. He packed a gun and drove evasively to shake off any possible pursuers. At one point, Parks told his family that Bill Clinton was “cleaning house” and that he was “next on the list.”

Then on September 23, 1993, Parks was driving to his suburban Little Rock home along the Chenal Parkway when a white Chevrolet Caprice with two men inside drove alongside and sprayed bullet holes into the vehicle. Immediately, Parks car ground to a halt. Then, a man emerged from the Chevy and fired two rounds into Parks’ chest with a 9-mm pistol. They then sped off.

Several witnesses watched the murder, which is why it can be relayed in such detail. Despite this, the killers were never found. As with so many other “Arkancides” – the name given to the long list of suspicious deaths among Arkansas associates of the Clintons – Big Media ignored the event.

Dr. Stanley Heard – Sept. 10, 1993

The physician treated Bill Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother in Arkansas and reportedly served as a chairman of Clinton’s National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee. He and his attorney, Steve Dickson of Kansas, were killed in a plane crash just 50 miles west of Washington.

Before the plane crashed, it radioed to Dulles that there was a fire in the aircraft. That was the second aircraft mishap in the same trip.

The Washington Post reported in 1993,

Dickson flew his own plane from Topeka, but on the way to Washington it developed problems in St. Louis. There, he left his plane for repair and rented another plane.”

Because the National Transportation and Security Board concluded that the crash was due to ”an inadequate annual inspection of the airplane and non-compliance with airworthiness directives by company maintenance personnel,” the case was dropped.

Jon Parnell Walker – Aug. 15, 1993

Walker was an investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and had contacted the Kansas City RTC regional office for information concerning possible ties between Whitewater Development, Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan (above) and the Clintons before he “fell to his death” from the top of the Lincoln Towers building in Arlington, Virginia.

Vince Foster – July 20, 1993

Credit: dailymail.co.uk

Credit: dailymail.co.uk

Foster’s death has been the topic of much speculation and three official investigations. According to WND, he was deputy White House counsel and Hillary’s friend and law partner, who also had connections to the Travelgate and Whitewater scandals. In 1993, he was found dead in a park with a fatal gunshot wound to his mouth.

Though the U.S. Park Police, the Department of Justice, the FBI, Congress, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr concluded Foster’s death to be a suicide, many are skeptical of this. According to The Washington Post, federal investigators were not allowed to enter Foster’s office after his death, but “White House aides enter[ed] Foster’s office shortly after his death, giving rise to speculation that files were removed from his office.” Because of this, it is believed that the probe’s result was predetermined

Edward Kelin, in his 2005 book “The Truth about Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, And How Far She’ll Go to Become President” wrote about Clinton’s involvement in the attempted removal of Foster’s files. He wrote:

The night of [Foster’s] death, Hillary launched one of the most shameful – and illegal – cover-ups of her entire career.

She sent two of her most trusted White House loyalists – Maggie Williams, the First Lady’s chief of staff, and Patsy Thomasson, who was in charge of White House administration – into Foster’s office to retrieve embarrassing and incriminating documents related to Whitewater and Hillary’s other personal affairs. While White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum barred investigators from entering Foster’s office, Maggie Williams, Patsy Thomasson, and Craig Livingston, Hillary’s director of White House security, removed armloads of files and loose-leaf binders.

“In addition, a White House staffer allegedly tampered with the titles of several memos and removed the first lady’s initials in an effort to erase her role in improper behavior.”

Five Navy Aviators – March 26, 1993

The five Navy aviators are said to have been bodyguards / escorts for Bill Clinton. Reportedly, they all died in a crash of an E-2C Hawkeye in Italy. The crash occurred shortly after the plane was “waved off” from a landing attempt on the Carrier Roosevelt due to a “foul deck”. All five men had been Clinton’s escorts during the former President’s visit to the Roosevelt 2 weeks prior. Three other men who had flown Clinton to the Roosevelt for that visit also died later in a helicopter crash.

Jim Wilhite – Dec. 21, 1992

The 54-year-old was a vice chairman of ARKLA (see “Ron Miller” entry) and was killed in a one-man skiing accident. Reportedly, he suffered from “severe head injuries when he skied into a tree on Snowmass Mountain in Aspen, Colorado, while on a family vacation.” His intention was to retire from ARKLA the following April.

Paula Grober – Dec. 9, 2992

Grober was Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf. Said to be a very attractive woman, she was killed when her body was thrown 33 feet from the car, indicating a very high speed. Paula traveled extensively with Clinton from 1978 until her death. Clinton, through a spokesperson, called her death “a great personal loss” He also said, “Hillary and I extend our sincere sympathy to Paula’s family. I had the privilege of working with her over many years.”

C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser – July 30, 1992

The finance co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign was killed in a plane crash, along with his son, Montgomery, and three other passengers. Clinton campaign Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers told the press that Raiser II was “a major player” in the Clinton organization. In addition to being the finance co-chairman of Clinton’s presidential campaign, he had been a friend of the Clintons for about a decade. He was also previously the national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee and had served on the boards of the Democratic Business Council and the Center for National Policy, as well as the board of advisers for the Democratic Leadership Council.

Jordan Kettleson – June 1990

Kettleson is believed to have witnessed the train deaths of Ives & Henry. Before he could relay information, however, he was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup.

Jeff Rhodes – April 1989

Rhodes is believed to have had information concerning the deaths of Ives, Henry & McKaskle. His body was found burned and in a trash dump. Reportedly, he died of a wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, specifically that his hands and feet had been partially sewn off. It is believed he was tortured before death.

Gregory Collins – January 1989

Collins reportedly had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot blast to the face. Authorities ruled his death a suicide.

Keith McKaskle – Nov. 10, 1988

McKaskle is believed to have had information on the Mena drug running and the Henry & Ives murders. He was found stabbed 113 times. Before his death, he told his family that someone was out to kill them and said his goodbyes.

Keith Coney – May 1988

Similar to Gregory Collins, Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He, however, died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 while being chased by a car. Authorities ruled his death a traffic accident.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry – August 23, 1987

Credit: groundzeromedia.org

Credit: groundzeromedia.org

Initial reports claim that the two died because they smoked twenty marijuana cigarettes and passed out on a railroad track in Arkansas. However, in April 1988, Kevin’s body was exhumed, and another autopsy was performed, this one by Atlanta medical examiner Dr. Joseph Burton who discovered that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks.

Don Henry’s body was exhumed and discovered to have been stabbed in the back prior to being placed on the tracks. Governor Bill Clinton excused Fahmy Malek’s “errors” saying that Malek was “tired and stressed out.” Reports indicate that Ives & Henry might have stumbled upon part of the Mena drug operation, specifically a drop site in the area of Bauxite and Alexander, Arkansas. The police chief of Alexander, John Brown, acknowledged he obtained a taped confession from one of the murderers of the two boys, which was suppressed at the request of the FBI.

Jean Duffey headed up Arkansas’ 7th District drug task force in 1990. She was never allowed to conduct a thorough investigation of drug running in Mena or any possible connection to the train deaths. Her task force and a federal grand jury were shut down after they started examining corruption involving public officials.

Dan Harmon was a local government official, the prosecuting attorney for Saline, Grant, and Hot Springs counties in 1979 and 1980, and then again from 1991 through 1996. He was convicted in June of 1997 on drug, racketeering, and extortion charges and has started serving eight years in prison. In January 1991, long before his drug offenses became public knowledge, Harmon convinced a judge to subpoena evidence obtained by Jean Duffey’s task force — evidence gathered against him and other public officials. Ms. Duffey refused to honor the subpoena, fearing for the lives of witnesses (many of whom did turn up dead) and fled the state when a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Judi Gibbs – January 3, 1986

Gibbs appeared in the December 1979 issue of Penthouse and worked at Bordello in Fordyce (near Mena), Arkansas. The establishment reportedly ran a blackmail operation, with photos taken of the customers with their girls. Bill Clinton is said to have been a regular customer of Judi, and there were photos of him having sex with her that threatened his Presidential campaign. Perhaps it’s because of this that Judi was found lying dead outside of a window at her home.

Susan Coleman – Feb. 15, 1977

Coleman was pregnant at the time of her death and was rumored to have had an affair with Clinton while he was still Arkansas attorney general. Clinton had been Coleman’s law professor at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.

Though Coleman died of a gunshot wound to the back of her head, her death was ruled a suicide.

Credit: conservativedailynews.com

Credit: conservativedailynews.com

There are more mysterious deaths that have yet to be added to the list. Do you know of any? Please comment your thoughts below and share this news!

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