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mRNA “DNA Gene Editing” – No Longer A Conspiracy Theory

CC_DNA_Pixabay Creative Commons licensed DNA Image
CC_DNA_Pixabay Creative Commons licensed DNA Image

This article will expose lies and omissions by Moderna and “fact-checkers” who dishonestly claimed that mRNA injections cannot change human DNA. I will prove that during this time, Moderna was secretly working behind the scenes to modify human genes.

I recently wrote a series of articles about mRNA COVID “vaccines”, unexpectedly reverse transcribing into human DNA and creating strange DNA genetic codes in human cells, including the code of a p130 tumor gene, as well as a permanent DNA code to produce spike protein.

While this was contrary to the promises of how the “COVID vaccines make harmless spike protein that goes away in 2-3 days”, more and more science experiments confirm that mRNA COVID “vaccines” have far-reaching and disturbing permanent genetic effects.

Since then, I came across new information about Moderna going full speed with commercializing mRNA technology that alters and purposely edits human DNA. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/moderna-finally-cracks-into-gene-editing-metagenomi-pact-thanks-irresistible-data

This is incredibly dangerous.

Amazingly enough, this news was not widely reported in mainstream media.

First, read my two previous articles if you have not done that yet:

– Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes Into Your DNA. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://thecovidworld.com/worst-fears-realized-pfizer-mrna-integrates-into-your-dna/

– DNA Transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Contains MUTANT gp130 Tumor Gene. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://thecovidworld.com/dna-transcribed-from-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-contains-mutant-gp130-tumor-gene/

The glowing and uncritical article in Fierce Biotech, inadvertently confirmed some of the allegations highlighted in my articles.


– Moderna has been working actively on modifying human DNA in the past — DNA modification was work in progress, not a “known impossibility”

– Therefore Moderna knew that mRNA technology is capable of altering human DNA

– Moderna knew full well that its mRNA nanoparticles target the human liver

A statement from Moderna made in 2021, therefore, was already known to Moderna to be false: https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://cn.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-hiv-covid-explained-idUSKBN29C26E

Now that Moderna is commercializing mRNA gene-editing after having worked on it for years, we know that the above statement was a lie.

What is Moderna seeking in this Metagenomi deal?

It appears to be two things:

– A “system that allows for precise integration of large DNA fragments into genomes”. As we know, Moderna’s mRNA Covid vax does create DNA segments, however they might not be properly integrated into our 23 chromosomes and thus could express themselves in an uncontrolled manner.

In more detail above:

“Our research presented at ASGCT describes how our first-in-class programmable CAST gene editing system can be used to precisely integrate large fragments of DNA into target genomes and the potential of these systems in the development of both ex vivo and in vivo gene therapies.”

– Additionally, while Moderna excelled at creating nanoparticles that preferentially settle in liver, ovaries, testes, etc and create long living Spike-producing DNA, it does not have core competence in deciding what specific gene edits can be commercialized: “Metagenomi’s discovery platform finds DNA from natural samples that can be sequenced to create new tools for gene editing.”


This article will expose lies and omissions by Moderna and “fact-checkers” who dishonestly claimed that mRNA injections cannot change human DNA. I will prove that during this time, Moderna was secretly working behind the scenes to modify human genes.

I recently wrote a series of articles about mRNA COVID “vaccines”, unexpectedly reverse transcribing into human DNA and creating strange DNA genetic codes in human cells, including the code of a p130 tumor gene, as well as a permanent DNA code to produce spike protein.

While this was contrary to the promises of how the “COVID vaccines make harmless spike protein that goes away in 2-3 days”, more and more science experiments confirm that mRNA COVID “vaccines” have far-reaching and disturbing permanent genetic effects.

Since then, I came across new information about Moderna going full speed with commercializing mRNA technology that alters and purposely edits human DNA. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/moderna-finally-cracks-into-gene-editing-metagenomi-pact-thanks-irresistible-data

This is incredibly dangerous.

Amazingly enough, this news was not widely reported in mainstream media.

First, read my two previous articles if you have not done that yet:

– Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes Into Your DNA. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://thecovidworld.com/worst-fears-realized-pfizer-mrna-integrates-into-your-dna/

– DNA Transcribed from Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Contains MUTANT gp130 Tumor Gene. https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://thecovidworld.com/dna-transcribed-from-pfizer-mrna-vaccine-contains-mutant-gp130-tumor-gene/

The glowing and uncritical article in Fierce Biotech, inadvertently confirmed some of the allegations highlighted in my articles.


– Moderna has been working actively on modifying human DNA in the past — DNA modification was work in progress, not a “known impossibility”

– Therefore Moderna knew that mRNA technology is capable of altering human DNA

– Moderna knew full well that its mRNA nanoparticles target the human liver

A statement from Moderna made in 2021, therefore, was already known to Moderna to be false: https://web.archive.org/web/20220315112604/https://cn.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-hiv-covid-explained-idUSKBN29C26E

Now that Moderna is commercializing mRNA gene-editing after having worked on it for years, we know that the above statement was a lie.

What is Moderna seeking in this Metagenomi deal?

It appears to be two things:

– A “system that allows for precise integration of large DNA fragments into genomes”. As we know, Moderna’s mRNA Covid vax does create DNA segments, however they might not be properly integrated into our 23 chromosomes and thus could express themselves in an uncontrolled manner.

In more detail above:

“Our research presented at ASGCT describes how our first-in-class programmable CAST gene editing system can be used to precisely integrate large fragments of DNA into target genomes and the potential of these systems in the development of both ex vivo and in vivo gene therapies.”

– Additionally, while Moderna excelled at creating nanoparticles that preferentially settle in liver, ovaries, testes, etc and create long living Spike-producing DNA, it does not have core competence in deciding what specific gene edits can be commercialized: “Metagenomi’s discovery platform finds DNA from natural samples that can be sequenced to create new tools for gene editing.”
