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Mueller Wiped Peter Strzok’s iPhone Clean

A report reveals that the iPhones owned by the government and given to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to use while they were blasting Donald Trump and strategizing how to keep him from being elected were wiped clean after they were out of their jobs, eliminating any evidence that might have been there.

Source: IG: Mueller’s office wiped data on Strzok, Page iPhones – WND

Mueller Wiped Peter Strzok’s iPhone Clean

Robert Mueller’s special counsel’s office reviewed Peter Strzok’s text messages from during his tenure at the FBI, but those text messages are obviously not going to see the light of day.

By some mechanical manipulation, the text messages for both Strzok and Page are gone, baby, gone, according to a new inspector general’s report. The Mueller team is specifically responsible for the scrubbing of the Strzok phone, while the explanation for the Page phone is a bit more muddied.

I’m sure you’re all super shocked to find out that Lisa Page’s phone was also scrubbed