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MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD Declares U.S. ‘An Enemy of the Arab World’

This is as a result of the moving forward with the relocation of The USA’s Israel embassy to the capital city of Israel. It seems to be lost not only on the America Public but the world at large that in 1995 President of The United States William Jefferson Clinton. As well OBAMA always maintained that Jerusalem is and will always be Israels capital.

Under U.S. law signed by President Bill Clinton in 1995, the U.S. must relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem unless the president waives the requirement on national security grounds, something required every six months. If the waiver isn’t signed and the embassy doesn’t move, the State Department would lose half its funding for its facilities and their security around the world. Source: washingtonpost.com

The so-called ‘Moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood just declared the U.S. ‘An Enemy of the Arab World’ after the Trump Embassy Announcement…Does this mean that we can now designate the organization connected to them as a terrorist organization? CAIR has been actively involved in pushing the not-so-moderate Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda?

Remember that Obama hosted the group at the White House even though the pressure was on to designate them as a terrorist organization…
The Muslim Brotherhood has declared war on the United States after President Trump announced earlier today the official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his intent to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

In the published statement on the Ikhwanonline.info website, the group rabidly defended by the CIA and State Department as moderates, declares, “Jerusalem is Islamic and Arab; for it we’ll shed our blood and wage war. This is the way of our Jihad.”

Here’s a translation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s statement:

Muslim Brotherhood: The transfer of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem classifies America as an enemy state and all its interest will be subject to the political position of the interests of the Zionist entity [statement]
In the name of Allah the Merciful

We are for the victory of our messengers, and for those who believe in this life.

Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, and those who follow him. The Muslim Brotherhood has followed the U.S. president’s statements about his intention to transfer the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of the Zionist entity, a decision that entered into force is a formal attack by the United States of America on the Islamic lands and holy places.

The Muslim Brotherhood recognizes the American president’s move to put America and all its interests in all countries of the world under the same political control of the interests of the Zionist entity, and it will become an enemy state of the Arab world and Islamic components international and institutional, political and popular.

The American president has exploited the weakness of the Muslim world at present, and the ability of tyrannical regimes to strike deadly blows to the Arab Spring, and decided to support the Zionist lobby, to support the Zionist project on the Palestinian territories, but he should know that his decision presents his state of classification as a state sponsor of the occupation — a country hostile to all freedom in various parts of the world

The Muslim Brotherhood is launching today a solidarity call with all Palestinian factions and Islamic movements to ignite an uprising throughout the Islamic world against the Zionist occupation and the American administration in support of the occupation and against the rights and freedoms of the peoples.

The Muslim Brotherhood stresses that Jerusalem is not [just a] land or symbol. Jerusalem is a confession of faith (`aqīdah) and a religion (dīn)…. Jerusalem is an Islamic and Arab land, for which we will shed our blood, freedom and life, and we fight every aggressor and every supporter of aggression. This is the way of our Jihad.

Muslim Brotherhood – General Office

Cairo – Wednesday, 17 Rabi’al-Awwal 1439H – December 6, 2017
