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CANOE – the Canadian News OnLine Explorer provides access to two very useful sites: 24-Hour News and their Money News Online.

The Calgary Herald covers the news from Calgary, Alberta.

Canadian Public Affairs Channel provides coverage of debates in the House of Commons as well as other political meetings and conferences.

Canwest Global’s Canada.com provides links to the many newspapers that Canwest owns, as well as to the Gloabl Televsion network stories.

Cyberpresse.ca* is a news portal for French language media in Quebec.

The Daily Gleaner – from Fredericton, New Brunswick

Evening Telegram – from St. John’s, Newfoundland

The Globe and Mail – a nationally distributed newspaper from Toronto

The Halifax Herald publishes two daily newspapers in Nova Scotia

The Hill Times provides weekly news on politics and Parliament.

The Leader-Post* – published in Regina

Maclean’s magazine – a Toronto-based magazine that publishes topical and political news across Canada

The Montreal Gazette – the main English-language paper in Quebec

The National Post – Canada’s newest national newspaper

The Nunatsiaq News – a weekly paper that covers events in the Eastern Arctic

QuebecNews.com – translations of news stories from Quebec newspapers

The Toronto Star – a Toronto-based newspaper

The Vancouver Sun and The Province  are two papers published by Pacific Press in Vancouver.

The Winnipeg Free Press – the main newspaper in Manitoba

The Yukon News* posts top stories for issues going back to 1996.