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Now “Nipah” | Why Do These Outbreaks Keep Happening In Kerala (India)? Plandemic Engineering?

nipah virus

With all the talk about the latest Nipah outbreak in Kerala India, I decided to do a little digging considering this is the 4th small and overhyped Nipah outbreak in Kerala.

I can tell you it did not take long at all to find enough discrepancies that I can confidently report that all signs point to another “Plandemic” brewing.

For starters – We’ve got some tell-tale sketchy CDC action back in February of 2020 right as the Coronavirus Pandemic was starting up.

“India has asked the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to stop funding research in India without government approval after the agency appeared to have helped an under-qualified Indian laboratory to work on the Nipah virus, a pathogen that is considered a potential bio-weapon, according to officials and government documents accessed by HT.”

Date: February 07, 2020
Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/halt-nipah-project-with-indian-lab-govt-tells-us-health-agency/story-kRn55L1TJJKqUkUcsmXChK.html

“In a surprising move, the Ministry of Home Affairs has suspended Manipal University’s FCRA license, effectively stopping the institute from availing or using foreign funds, citing “unauthorised” research undertaken by the Manipal Institute of Virology, according to Hindustan Times.”

“The accusation pertains to the Manipal Centre for Virus Research’s (MCVR’s) actions during the Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala in 2018. The Indian Council of Medical Research and the Union health ministry had accused the lab of storing and studying Nipah samples in a lab that didn’t have the necessary safeguards to contain the virus, and going so far as to suggest the lab’s access to foreign funds had potentiated it to develop bioweapons.”

Date: February 23, 2020
Source: https://thewire.in/health/manipal-university-mcvr-fcra-home-ministry-us-cdc

Then we’ve got calls for more fuding for virology and virus-related research in Karela just a month before the big Nipah Rollout of 2023.

“Kerala should give more importance to virology research since the state faces a higher risk of virus-related incidence compared to other parts of the country, a NITI Aayog member has said”

Date: May 07, 2023
Source: https://www.outlookindia.com/national/kerala-should-give-importance-to-virology-research-says-niti-aayog-member-news-284336

Considering its historical record now that the NIH and NIAID collaborated with Moderna to develop the coronavirus mRNA va**ines, I couldn’t help but notice Moderna’s Nipah va**ine presentation states that NIH is also funding the Nipah

Moderna & NIH FUNDED Nipah Va**ine Presentation
Date: November 4, 2021
Source: https://s29.q4cdn.com/435878511/files/doc_presentations/program-detail/other/Nipah-(11.04.21).pdf

Conveniently references paper from EcoHealthAlliance on Nipah
Source: https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/2018/05/nipah-virus

Anyone who has been following this pandemic debacle closely should be familiar with EcoHealthAlliance by now. Not surprising to see them pop up.

However, this is where the real meat and potatoes comes in.

“CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations)
Call for proposals:
Clinical development of a Nipah
monoclonal antibody (mAb) to protect
against Nipah virus (NiV) disease.”

[b]Notice the timeline from the document[/b]

• Call publication date: 6th June 2023
• Email notification to CEPI of intent to apply: 30th June 2023 (23:59 CEST)
• Call duration: 60 days
• Submission deadline for applications: 4th August 2023 (23:59 CEST)
• Peer review: August 2023
*** [b][u]Due diligence stage: Sept. 2023 (anticipated)[/u][/b]***
*** Contract signatures, project launch: October – December 2023 (anticipated)****
• Award duration: up to 6 years, with the option for extension

Source: https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Nipah-mAb-CfP-Call-Text-final2-2-June202377.pdf

CEPI’s 2019 NIPAH Conference Proceedings discusses “Monoclonal antibody countermeasures for pathogenic henipaviruses” using m102.4.

Source: https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2019-Nipah-Conference-Proceedings.pdf (pg 61 of 68)

Then right on CEPI’s Schedule: “[i]India is sourcing monoclonal antibodies (m102.4), a novel drug therapy that is under evaluation for treatment of Nipah virus infection and has been used on compassionate basis in some countries, from Australia to treat persons affected by the disease in Kerala. The drug, m102.4, was initially developed to treat Henipavirus, another bat-borne disease.[/i]”

Date: September 15th, 2023
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-sources-antibodies-from-australia-to-fight-nipah-virus/articleshow/103700578.cms?from=mdr

Just thought I’d put all this out there for you folks to consider as we move ahead with this apparent schedule.

If it looks like a duck,
walks like a duck,
quacks like a duck,
swims up to eat the bread you throw at it in the pond like a duck,

Chances are it’s probably a duck.

By: Anonymous Coward – User ID: 72593813