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Ontario sex-ed architect convicted on child porn charges: courtroom hears graphic details

 Benjamin Levin
Benjamin Levin

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TORONTO, March 4, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s former deputy minister of education, Benjamin Levin, was convicted March 3 in a Toronto courtroom to three charges involving child pornography: making written child pornography, counseling a person to commit a sexual assault, and possession of child pornography.

After Justice Heather Adair McArthur of the Ontario Court of Justice accepted Levin’s guilty plea to the three charges, crown counsel Allison Dellandrea said neither the crown nor Levin’s lawyer, Clayton Ruby, disputed the “agreed statement of fact.”

Among the more lurid details contained in the statement are the admission that Levin, in internet chats, claimed he had sexually abused his own daughters, hoped his daughters would make his grandchildren available to him for sex, and counseled an undercover officer on how to groom a child for sexual abuse. The statement acknowledges that there is no evidence Levin actually abused his children and he has not been charged for that offense.

Ontario_Sex_Education_Protest_20150224Child sex offender Ben Levin said himself that he was in charge of crafting Ontario sex-ed curriculum

TORONTO, March 4, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Just-convicted child pornographer Ben Levin played a key role in developing Ontario’s new sex-education curriculum, according to documents revealed by Toronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington, despite claims to the contrary by Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Since Levin was charged with seven child pornography offences, and pled guilty to three, Wynne and her subordinates have repeatedly claimed that Levin, her deputy minister when she was education minister, had nothing to do with her reviled 2010 sex-ed curriculum, which had to be withdrawn in the face of hostile parents.

When reporters asked Wynne back in 2013, when Levin was charged, about any impact on the sex-ed curriculum, she said: “Ministers and deputy ministers do not write curriculum. … Curriculum is written by subject experts in conversation and in consultation with a wide array of people and curriculum is reviewed and written on an ongoing basis.”

So did Wynne really want people to believe curriculums develop organically from “subject writers” so innately talented they function without direction from above? Yes, exactly, for she then said, “So you know, any suggestion that there was that kind of interference, it just demonstrates a lack of understanding of how curriculum actually is written. … Ministers and deputy ministers don’t write curriculum.”

Nor has she changed her tune. Her media spokesperson was still insisting little over a week ago that “Ben Levin had no involvement in the development of the content of the curriculum. Curriculum is developed by subject experts and is based on research in addition to consultations with a wide array of people.”

Yet Warmington’s documents, all statements from Levin while serving as deputy minister of education, reveal him repeatedly taking ownership for the 2010 sex-ed curriculum, which has just been reintroduced with little change.